New Hope & Helping Others...



By Kristin Gustafson (Facebook - Dec. 6)


And just like that mine and Gus’s trip to Punta Cana is done and over with! There is no sugar coating that this year has been tough.

MS = 1 / Kristin = 0.

I started out the year feeling like I let down family, friends, coaches, sponsors, and anyone else you can think of. It was a tough beginning of the year, but feel like I am finally finding my new normal. Made new fitness goals that I feel like I have crushed these last few months, dove head first into work where I feel like my department is rocking and rolling, mentally stronger and definitely in a much better place, working with an amazing team at Rochester where we are diving into new treatments that are truly giving me more hope, and lastly getting asked by the specialists to work with other patients struggling to find their new normal....


Even though I was disappointed I could not compete this summer in any races, there is no better way to spend that money on a little vacation with the best hubby. It was time to celebrate surviving the first year since I was diagnosed with MS. Now onto spending time with family and friends over the holidays!!



ED. In case you are unaware of Kristin's tri successes, check out her performance highlights: 


3rd @ Maple Grove Olympic

3rd @ LIberty Half - 4:55:24

4th AG @ Ironman Wisconsin

- 2015

1st @ Eau Claire Triathlon

3rd @ LIberty Halt (4:57:30 despite riding long)

10th overall woman @ Ironman Boulder - 10:50:17

- 2014

1st @ North Mankato

4th @ LIberty Half

6th @ Chisago - 4:51"20

10:35:46 @ Ironman Chattanooga

- 2013

1st @ Superior Man Half

4th @ Waseca 1/3

5th @ RochesterFest Olympic



