I Was Hooked!


By Christel Kippenhan (seecktri.wordpress.com)

Without any triathlon race reports for this year, I thought I write about some other triathlon related stuff, sort of.

It’s Wednesday afternoon, time for my regular 3000 yds swim workout along the shoreline of Lake Movil Bay. I was on the third repetition of my 5 x 200 yd set (~ 2300 yds into my workout, and about 1/4 mile from my place) when I got a bit too close to a patch of reeds.  I brushed with...  

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Katy, Brian & Jessie...

Here's some more National Triathlon Week stuff, starting with Katy's most memorable triathlon moment:


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Staying Motivated During the Pandemic...


By Marty Gaal (usatriathlon.org)

No one likes the situation we're in, but we're here and we need to make the best of it. A number of events have been and will be rescheduled in such a way that they might as well be a different event. It is very likely that large events through May or June will not be held, and potentially the entire summer season.

I would not want to take a shot at predicting any further, but it will all depend on if we as a world are able to contain, cure, vaccinate, and eradicate, and what the timetable for all that is.  Suffice it to say, the spring and summer seasons appears glum with regards to large scale athletic events. I am hopeful that things are under control for later summer and fall events.

What does that mean for you?  While it will be personally disappointing to have to miss your planned events, it behooves you to maintain your healthy life and exercise routines....

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National Triathlon Week....

DidScreen_Shot_2020-06-22_at_12.33.05_PM.png you know there is a National Triathlon Week? Neither did we.

It's a real thing. In fact, it has a logo (left). And it's happening right now.

To celebrate NTW, the Headwaters Trathlon Club asked it's members to submit some words about their first triathlon experience. Cool idea, right? 

We got permission to repost some of their submissions. We'll post others soon...

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COVID-19 Pandemic: Keep Training!


zipperguy.pngBy Philip Mosley (trainingpeaks.com)

At times like these, it can be hard to stay motivated about your training. Perhaps your target events have been postponed or canceled; maybe you’re social distancing, or homeschooling your children while working from home. Maybe you’re just worried about your job, health, and family. Either way, if you can find the time, working out is still important.  

This blog will provide you with three great reasons to keep training consistently, even in extreme circumstances.

Reason 1: You’ll Stay Fit (Even if You Decrease Your Volume!)

It may sound obvious, but if you stop training altogether, you’ll lose fitness. And the longer you hit pause, the more fitness you’ll lose. Many of us are all-too-aware of this fact, and it may be causing you some anxiety—relax, it’s not all bad! ...

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