Unload Yesterday's Ride & the EMMA Challenge...


Here's how simple the Gear West Trade-In Your Turkey program is... Bring in your old rig that just doesn't cut it as your triathlon bike anymore. We'll evaluate it, give you a quote, and apply that amount toward the purchase of your new bike. This is an easy, hassle-free way for you to unload that ride, free up some cash and purchase a new bike. We've got lots of bikes to chose from, most of them year-end sale models along with some remaining 2011 demo bikes. Your trade-in will save you even more on these already great values.;;;

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Mike, Leslie & Megan...

mikeIn the near future, MTN will be post "Off Course" features on Codpiece Boy, Mike Ladendorf (photo L), Leslie Englert, who is doing this in spite of extreme trepidaciousness, and Megan Rocker, who proudly voted NO on the marriage amendment. Before we do that, though, we are going to share their pretty-dang-impressive 2012 "On Course" highlights. Let's start with Mike.

MIKE LADENDORF, 30, Apple Valley

2nd @ Lakefront Days

3rd @ Lake Marion Olympic

6th @ Manitou Sprint

7th @ Treadman Duathlon

8th @ Maple Grove Olympic

9th @ St. Croix Valley Olympic....

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Minnesota's Bar-Raisers....

ruth(Photo - Ruth Brennan Morrey winning the amateur title at Pays D'Aix 70.3. Ruth has amassed an unprecedented five MMA nominations.)

The 13th annual Minnesota Multisport Awards will be announced at the MMA Party at Gear West Bike & Triathlon next Saturday. We hope you'll be there.

For the first time in a single post, here are all of the official nominees:

TRIATHLETE OF THE YEAR (W) - Ruth Brennan Morrey, Claire Bootsma, Suzie Fox, Cathy Yndestad

TRIATHLETE OF THE YEAR (M) - Dan Hedgecock, Alex Hooke, Patrick Parish, Matt Payne & Marcus Stromberg

LONG DISTANCE ATHLETE OF THE YEAR - Ruth Brennany Morrey, Suzie Fox, Matthew Payne, Cathy Yndestad

DUATHLETE OF THE YEAR - Ruth Brennan Morrey, Suzie Fox, Chad Millner, Patrick Parish

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Cruel Saddles...

saddleBy Bonnie Sorebum

I slammed down the phone, exercising my right to express my disappointment. The officer on duty had been nice enough, but in the end, still refused to file my report.

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Long-Term Memory, Tats & Foxy Shazam...

memory(WARNING: This post contains copious amounts of pure gibberish.)

Going "Off Course" - Do you remember who sat next to you in third grade?

Lakeville triathlete Bill Benning does.

Wait! Bill doesn't know who sat next to YOU back then; but he clearly recalls who HE sat next to. He'd have to be clairvoyant to know who you sat next to.

We digress.

Chances are good that if you are more than two decades old, you don't remember stuff like your grade school seating assignments. But Bill does. That's because he suffers from "LTM." ...

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