Hedge's Cool ST Interview...

carBy Herbert Krabel (for slowtwitch.com / March 26, 2013)

Minnesota resident Dan Hedgecock won the amateur titles at Lifetime Fitness Minneapolis, St. Anthony's and HyVee and snagged a sweet car in the process. When he isn't racing, training or hiking he is likely found working hard at Gear West Bike. He also is the 2012 Elite Duathlon champion and was bestowed the Elite Duathlete of the Year title. This year at St. Anthony's though we may see him stepping up to the big league, or maybe rolling up in his blue MINI Cooper.

ST: Thank you for your time Dan.

Dan: Thank you for the interview, I love Slowtwitch and am excited to be a part of it.

ST: Are you more of a home page reader or a forum lurker?

Dan: Mostly a home page reader, but I love to stir the pot and get people riled up when I can. I laugh at how aggressive a lot of the people on the forums are. I think a lot of people take themselves and this sport way too seriously....

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Nutrition Boo-Boos...

foodCommon Sports Nutrition Errors Made by Triathletes

By Bob Seebohar (for usatriathlon.org)

Not a training season goes by that I do not receive a question or statement from an athlete that leaves me in disbelief. The unfortunate thing about the sports nutrition field is that there is a copious amount of information out there for athletes. The bad news is that athletes really do not know who or what to believe sometimes. This article will provide you a few of the more popular errors that I come across at Fuel4mance when working with triathletes.

Error #1: Eating too many carbohydrates.

I know it sounds funny and yes, we do need to consume carbohydrates for energy to supply our sport energy needs. However, far too many triathletes are either eating the less advantageous types of carbohydrates or are simply eating...

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Seusse-ian Excuse-ian Stuff...

gogglesBy Doug Robertson (for active.com)

The whimsical, lyrical writings of Dr. Seuss have inspired generations of children to read. In his fifty years of writing children's books the good doctor tackled everything from equality, to the environment, to war. But, even though he was an avid walker and loved swimming in the La Jolla, California ocean that he could see from his home, he never directly took on fitness.

The closest he ever came was the in his final book Oh, The Places You'll Go! which speaks to many issues athletes come across. "You won't lag behind, because you'll have the speed. You'll pass the whole gang and soon you'll take the lead...Expect when you don't. Because, sometimes, you won't."

In honor of Dr. Seuss, who told us that, "bang ups and hang ups can happen to you," I humbly present what he might say if he was just waking up at dawn for a training workout....

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Don't Be THAT Triathlete...

blahTop 4 things NOT to do...

By Steve Harrington (for ezinearticles.com)

I am sure we all know someone like this...

Here are the top 4...

1) Do NOT keep talking about training and how little time you have. Some people wear it like a badge and become a martyr to lack of time. It is VERY boring for friends, family and colleagues who feel their own time pressures and do not understand your sport or even why you would want to do it....

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Stuff About Full Body Running...

lisaED. Last week we received this email from Lisa Walker who knows a lot of stuff about running and movement and performance.

Dear MTN:

I am writing to let you know about a very cool, very different workshop for runners: Full Body Running.

This running workshop will be unlike any other running training you have ever experienced. You will learn to sense clearly how you are coordinating your whole body. Emphasis will be placed on finding the most efficient, safe and enjoyable way to run.

One thing that is unique about this training is that we will not skip the first and most important step; each participant will become aware (sometimes brutally aware) of their own habits that are getting in the way. In this workshop I

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