Brooks is in...

Broosk-t-man.gifMinnesota Multisport Awards - The MMA Selectors have decided to add Brooks Grossinger to its list of Triathlete of the Year nominees. Initially, only two members of the Committee supported his nomination. Their recommendation was overruled on the basis of “Field Depth” and “Versatility.” Concerning the former, Brooks’ victories, other than at the Gear West Duathlon (du efforts are not included in TOY discussions), were perceived as not, with one exception, being against fields that featured the participation of past or current Team Minnesota members. THis makes the performance hard to judge. As for the “Versatility” question, it was argued that Grossinger’s resume would have benefited from a strong performance on a long course, i.e. half IM or longer.

When the male TOY’s were announced, two of Brooks’ elite peers immediately contacted MTN, claiming that Brooks got screwed. The Committee immediately decided to reevaluate Grossinger’s resume. While doing so they were reminded of Lynette Bacon, who in 2007 was undefeated, winning seven of our region’s smaller triathlons. She was not nominated for any awards, nor was she named to Team Minnesota. The “Field Depth” and “Versatility” (she only raced in sprints) issues were not in her favor. The same had been true for Michelle Andres, who was...

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"Keen-Wah" and Stuff Like That...

almond-butter.gif10 Super Foods for Endurance Athletes

By Elizabeth Stein (for Trifuel.com)

Low energy is simply not an option for an Endurance Athlete! In my series "Eating for Energy: Teleclass for Endurance Athletes" I walk you through the diet and lifestyle changes you can implement to fuel your body for maximum performance. Here is a quick look at the top 10 foods every endurance athlete should have on their shopping list.

1. Quinoa (pronounced KEEN-wah), also known as a "super food" for its high nutritional profile, is my favorite fast-cooking grain. It cooks in just 10-15 minutes.

Quinoa is an ancient high-energy grain from South America. The Incas used it to increase the stamina of their warriors and allow them t run long distances at high altitudes. It is the ideal food for endurance....

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Commenting on Kona's Commentary...

cindy-kona.gifKona Coverage

By Devon Palmer
Posted on October 14, 2013 by palmertri

I hope the World Triathlon Corporation starts doing high quality race coverage for all their major Ironman events. It is great to see the race unfold live with actual video on the course and commentating! Most races we are relegated to checking up on splits and the ‘live blog’ newsfeed. I have raced with Mr Matt Lieto and he is what you might call a pretty cool bro. Great to see him and Greg Welch...

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Ready to Party?

YWCA-wins-ROY.gifED. We're editing and reposting this to encourage those who haven't gotten their Tri Night '13 tickets to do so at their earliest opportunity. Also, we remind everyonw that Race of the Year voting will close on Saturday.

* What was your favorite multisport experience of 2013? Let us know by casting your vote for “Triathletes Choice Race of the Year.” To do so, click on one of the “Vote” graphics in the ad sections on the right side of the homepage.

Here are the rules:

* Voting Eligibility - Only those Minnesota tri and/or du-athletes who raced in one or more multisport events staged on Minnesota soil, or in the following border state events that draw large numbers of Minnesota participants: Croixathlon, St. Croix Valley Triathlon, Burrito Union 5 & 10-Hour Triathlons, Pigman Sprint, Pigman Half & Olympic and Outland Challenge....

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Race of the Year Stuff...

ROY.gifRace of the Year - Last week we checked on the Race of the Year voting and discovered several things. First of all, voting has been brisk and is on pace to break records. Secondly, forty-two events have received votes, which suggests that, as usual, approximately half of the multisport events in our state actively encourage their participants to vote for ROY.

We also leanred that there hasn't been any more obvious cheating this year than there has been in years past. But there hasn't been any less, either.

Catching cheating is fun, and easier than you might think, but we're not going to divulge all of our policing methods here....

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