Optimism & Great Legs...

carol-and-guys.gifPhoto L - R - Denny Ellingson, Mike Borneke, Carol Marston and another guy.

YOUR PEERS - We have said many times (twice actually) that our goal is to eventually write stuff about every single Minnesota multisport athlete. To date, we've written stuff about a couple-of-hundred-or-so of them. We only have about 22,000 to go.

Today we are gonna say stuff about one of our favoritest people. Her name is Carol Marston. She's over thirty and has an awesome smile that never rests, and great legs. An eternal optimist, she is terminally likeable. She lives in Mankato and enjoys music and food and hanging out with good friends like Mike Borneke, Gretchen Sadaka and Cheryl Johnson....

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Don't Eat That!

pb.gifBy Lauren Antonucci (triathlon.competitor.com)

Q: What are some foods you consistently see triathletes eating that they should avoid?

  I love this question! Here are three of my top “skip ’em” foods:

1. Reduced fat peanut butter.
At a quick glance it sounds promising, but look further and you’ll find that reduced fat versions of this favorite food will only save you 10–20 calories per 2 tablespoon serving, and will cost you in terms of more carbs, more...

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Niceness & PB Burgers....

JFF.gifYOUR PEERS - Minneapolis triathlete / duathlete Jennifer Fitzharris-Funk is a very nice person. She loves dogs, especially her own, and sometimes puts peanut butter on her burgers. We'll be telling you more about her non-tri-du life in a future "Off Course" feature. Today we're gonna share her impressive multisport results for the last two seasons.

Here's what she's done:


- 3rd @ Fall Classic Duathlon

- 5th @ Maple Grove Sprint

- 6th @ Iron Girl Bloomington

- 11th @ YWCA Women's Triathlon

2012 ....

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Triathlete Affluence Stuff...

triathlon-boom.gifBy Natalie Zmuda (adage.com - Oct. 10, 2011)

Andrew Katz is a 35-year-old married father of three. He's spent thousands of dollars on sports drinks, nutrition bars and athletic gear. He's co-founder and principal of Prusik Group, a New York-based retail-real-estate firm, where he's more likely to suggest a bike ride than a golf outing to colleagues.

In short, he's your average triathlete.

According to a study initiated by USA Triathlon, the average triathlete is a married 38-year-old with an income of $126,000. Forty-four percent have kids living at home; 60% are male. They spend in excess of $4,000 annually on bike gear, athletic footwear, race fees and nutritional supplements. Nearly half have traveled more than 500 miles for a race.

The demographics are intriguing. Factor in the explosive growth the sport is seeing, and it's enough to make any marketer look twice....

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Rugby Guy

Greg-and-jen.gifWhat do we know about Greg Dummer?

Lots of cool stuff.

Like what?

Well, he's a tall, handsome former rugby guy who parts his hair on the right and looks smashing in a tux and used to date actress Jennifer Connelly (photo L), who was awesome in "A Beautiful Mind" and "He's Just Not Into You." We Redboxed "Stuck in Love" last weekend and she was great in that, too.

We also know that Greg Dummer, pronounced "Doomer," is an excellent triathlete, especially when you consider that the 42-year-old Minneapolisian and the Viking's Jared Allen are the same size.

Check out his sweet 2013 Tri resume:  ...

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