
Family Support, Espresso Love Gu & Mike's Immortal Words...


By Emma Adriaens (triad.triadriaens.com)


Ironman Wisconsin Race Report - Before I launch into my version of events, I would like to give a massive thank you to everyone who made this day possible for me: my coach, who never gives up on my crazy self; my husband, who is always there for me, checks all my gear, and makes all my food - literally could not have made it this far without your unwavering support; to my parents who devote their entire summer to following us around to all our different races, and are such devoted support crew that they never even question any of our decisions, they just get in the car and are prepared for whatever we throw at them; and to my bestie Kaitlyn and her husband Alex for always making the trek out to all the races they can; and to everyone in my tri support crew - you all have touched my life in ways I can't explain, but I'm beyond grateful that you did. Your support is beyond appreciated.

Ironman Wisconsin was the perfect way to cap off my 2018 triathlon season. It offers such a remarkable course that is lined with dedicated volunteers and spectators. What more could you want than a whole day of running around in lycra with people shouting how amazing you are, and getting handed free food? Only hearing "YOU ARE AN IRONMAN" from the man, the myth, the legend - Mike Reilly. That's what....

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Why Ted?


MINNESOTA MULTISPORT AWARDS - Two of the most intriguing categories to determine were male and female MOST IMPROVED. Let's start with the men, a terrific group of nominees, certainly one of the most talented groups to ever be considered.

We'll discuss the women's MI selection in a later post.

We have no doubt that GARRETT WELSCH is destined for stardom, but a spot on Team Minnesota may not be available to him until 2020. We need only remember, however, that we felt the same way a few years back about a guy named DAN HEDGECOCK, who emerged as the Triathlete of the Year and #1 on Team MInnesota in his sophomore season.

BRANDEN SCHEEL's improvement in 2018 was meteoric. He won five races in course record time, but he never went head-to-head with any of the guys--WADE, SEAN, MATT, PATRICK etc.--that set the performance standards in our region. Could he have held his own against those guys? We think so, but we wanted proof.

Which brings us to JOSH MORK. When he placed 2nd against the deepest men's field of the year in a Minnesota multi (Lake Waconia), he truly proved that he can bark with our region's Big Dogs. Josh was thus the early season frontrunner for the MI....

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Beware of the Pool and the Bike...


By Jason Erdahl


It’s 1:20a and my heart is too full to sleep.

My body is battered but not broken. Today I am an Ironman.

On June 3rd at mile 90 or so of the FANS 24 hour race I broke my foot and my mind reeled with thoughts of a lost year. I sat through the FANS awards ceremony in shock, fighting back the tears (unsuccessfully) for my lost year while everyone was congratulating me on my “finish” and all I wanted to do was scream at them that the only “finish” was for my year. No running. No companionship that comes with running. No fitness. A return of the 100 pounds that I worked so hard to lose. I was completely shattered. I left the awards ceremony early so I could put my “brave face” away.

When the MRI confirmed what I feared, I put on that brave face on as the kind nurse secured the boot on my foot and the doctor talked about the next 6-8 weeks. I thought about how bravely my friends had faced their running injuries and desperately searched for something I could do.

A great friend loaned me a run buoy so I could run in the pool and I reached my absolute lowest point: it hurt to do this, and the doc warned if it hurt, I couldn’t do it. Even this one simple thing was beyond me. Out of frustration I went to lane 1 and started swimming laps. Oh, if I only knew then what this simple decision would bring me to....

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Why Becky? Why Kevin?


MINNESOTA MULTISPORT HONORS - HEATHER TAYLOR's selection as Rookie of the Year was a true slam dunk. Only one other pick was as slam dunky as that one: BECKY YOUNGBERG's selection as female MASTER OF THE YEAR.

Analysing past F-MOY winners, we were unable to come up with a resume that rivaled Becky's. Check out these highlights:

- 1st overall @ Lake Waconia - Masters Record

- 1st overall @ Green Lake Olympic - Course Record

- 1st overall @ YoungLife Olympic - Masters Record

- 1st overall @ Maple Grove Olympic - 2:05:04 - Course Record

- 1st overall @ Hopkins Royal Triathlon - Course Record

- 2nd overall / 1st Master @ Heart of the Lakes

- 2nd overall @ Chisago Half IM - 4:37:04 - Masers Record

Here's the breakdown: Five wins. One Performance of the Year nomination (Maple Grove). Three course records. Six masters records. Ranked #3 on Team Minnesota....

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Hot Messes, Unreasonable Expectations, Recognizing Patterns...


By Hanna Grinaker


It was my boyfriend, Sean, who introduced me to the sport of triathlon. I never had any intention of trying out a sport where equipment was involved. I had only ever been a runner. I remember walking into our condo back in the fall of 2015 to discover a new tri bike propped up against our couch in the living room. When I found a brand new tri-kit in my closet a week after the bike showed up, I realized I was really going to do this.  

After my first successful triathlon experience, I was on a vengeance. I signed up for every triathlon Sean did, entering each race in a blissful state of ignorance. Will I be able to unclip my bike shoes from the pedals today? Get my wetsuit off? Run the race without smashing into a cone on the side of the road and find myself splayed all over the pavement? (Yes, I did do this…in my second triathlon). 

My point in all this is that my first year in triathlon was a little bit of a hot mess. But gosh, was it fun. No expectations, no pressure, no idea that I could and would do the thing I set out to do that day....


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