
"She's an Outlier".......



BUFFALO OLYMPIC - The 14th edition of this classic race was staged in ideal weather, with, surprisingly, an accommodating lake (flat, 70-degrees on top), and produced a plethora of outstanding performances, some of which were record-setting.

The most jaw-dropping of the record efforts belonged to HANNA GRINAKER (photo), who despite some short-lived mechanical drama on the bike course, dominated the strong women's field. After making up the 1:16 she trailed heading into T1, she hammered the bike, her eventual split almost 3-mph faster than her nearest rival. That's insane. She outrode all but seven men. We're talking seven ELITE men.

Grinaker arrived at the finish line several minutes ahead of the previous course record, and 1-2 minutes before her generally expected time. Her final clocking was 2:06:57, an Oympic PR (1:09 better than her winning time at Minneapolis in 2018) and a 3:11 lowering of KORTNEY HAAG's 2016 course record. (FYI - the current course, which features a significantly more challenging run segment than the previous route, has been in place since 2015.)

The victory was the 10th in 18 triathlon starts for the two-time Minnesota Triathlete of the Year....

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Good Reviews & Future Plans...



ED. Coverage of the Buffalo Triathlon and New Bri Tri is coming sooon.


By Doobie Kurus


The first ever SWIM-off to Summer open water challenge was held on Saturday, June 1st, and was hosted by the Hopkins Royal Triathlon and Hopkins Masters Swim group. This event featured some of the top triathletes and swimmers from all over the state (plus Iowa and Massachusetts). There were also many casual competitors that (believe it or not) just like to swim. The favorable weather forecast leading up to SWIM-off not only warmed up the lake to a comfortable 66 degrees, but also warmed up people to the idea of signing up, as the field sold out with a cap of 150 registrants. The Triathletes outnumbered the Swimmers 2 to 1, but that didn't seem to deter the Swimmers....

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Gaby, Becky, Rachel, Paige, Jordan, Dan....



MADISON 70.3 - We were hoping to post a TRINONA preview today, but we haven't seen an entrant list yet. Hopefully, we'll preview that annual classic in the near future. And because, with the unfortunate cancellation of the Walker Tri, Trinona is the only multi staged on Minnesota soil next weekend, we strongly encourage everyone who hasn't enrolled yet, to do so at their earliest opportunity.

We were perusing the AG registration list for Madison 70.3 on June 9. Unsurprisingly, lots of Minnesotans are enrolled, and we are anxious to see how all of them fare. We expect many of them to rock their AGs.

Let's drop some names.

DANI FISCHER - Formerly from Rochester, Dani has resided in Indianapolis for the last few years but we still follow her career closely. We love her to pieces, and she will always be an honorary Minnesotan. Well, her racing creds speak for themselves. She a former 70.3 National champion with a PR of 4:23. Dani was a close 2nd (to Dani Vsetecka) in 2017, and 3rd here last year. She is our pick to win the women's overall title.

BECKY YOUNGBERG - In 2018 and 2017, weather at Mad 70.3 had truly sucked, thus the various records are soft. Former pro Jessica Jacobs owns the women's masters mark, a 4:56:50.Weather permitting, Becky should take that record down hard. In her last 70.3 (Chisago '18), she placed 2nd in an MR - 4:37:04. Matching that on Madison's challenging course is unrealistic, but breaking 4:50 is possible if she's hitting on all cylinders. ...

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Parish and Hankee are Athletes of the Month


APRIL/MAY 2019 ATHLETES OF THE MONTH - Monthly AOM recognition highlights Minnesota athletes that turn in at least two outstanding performances during the period in question. Typically, our state's athletes have 8-10 Minnesota multis to choose from during the April/May period, and far more options than that in the months that follow.

This year is different. Much different. Falls, Cinco, Chain of Lakes, Gear West, Oakdale are gone, and all that remains are Tinman and Apple. So, for an athlete to post two noteworthy efforts in April/May, they have to post one or more of them in other states.

Two athletes managed to do that, thus we are able to announce our 2019 April/May AOMs:  ...

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New Bri Turns 14 on Sunday...


NEW BRI XIV - The 14th annual NEW BRI TRI is happening on Sunday at beautiful Long Lake Park. Here is how the event is billed on its webpage: 

This early season triathlon features a stunning course within the metro area, easily accessible from Minneapolis/St Paul and its suburbs. A barbecue follows the race making this the first triathlon party of the season. This race is the first in a three race triathlon series....

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