
Minnesota's Last Tri of the Season...


ONE LAST TRI - For most Minnesota triathletes, the 2019 season has concluded. For others, training continues in preparation for Kona or Ironman races in Tempe or Panama City. Others have their sights set on upcoming 70.3 events, like Augusta, Cozumel or Tempe.

There are others, however, that are not ready to retire the wetsuit and racing wheels until next year, and are hungry for at least one more close-to-home race.

The good news is that there is one more triathlon (and one more du after that) on the Minnesota schedule. It is appropriately named One Last Tri, and it's 14th edition is happening this Sunday at Ramsey County Beach on the northern shoreline of majestic White Bear Lake.

The event features Olympic-esque and Sprint races, with an Aquabike option as well.

Typically, we would mention some of the athletes that will be racing, but we haven't seen an entrant list. We do expect hometown folks like "LEVEL 7" TOM COUILLARD, ever-smiling MICHEL SANDERS and likely Grand Master of the Year nominee LUKE HARNED to be there. 

And DANI VSETECKA, winner of eleven of the 18 multis she's done in her elite career, including the OLT in 2016, told us that she was entered, thus we know one of the favorites.

We wouldn't be surprised in Dani's fiance, rookie pro TED TREISE (pronounced "Try -See") also decides to race....

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"...The Hardest Course I Raced This Season."


SQUARE LAKE SPRINT RACE REPORT - Sunday Sept. 8th 2019 was what was most likely my final Triathlon of 2019 unless I sneak a travel trip in some place? I decided 3 days before the race to enter Square Lake Sprint Triathlon as a way to end what has been a great 2019 season for myself and for my daughter Bella who has 4 junior female course records this season and a bunch of podium finishes including some overall wins! Bella did not race since she is now into high school cross country season.

Race morning the calm before the storm! I woke up and looked at the weather said well it’s not raining, awesome! But then looked at the temperature and said burr! I’ve raced Duathlon in cold weather, but I’ve never raced Triathlon in cold weather like this, where the water is much warmer than air temp! I will admit I was not sure about this race and kept asking myself why did I sign up for this 3 days ago? But the venue at Square lake park is beautiful! The lake is one of the nicest lakes we swim in around here!

For Square lake Triathlon the athletes self-seed themselves based on how fast they swim, so I was going for the win and put myself up front maybe 4th guy into the water? My friend Jon who is an excellent swimmer went when I did as well and my goal was pace and sight off him, well that worked for a bit but coming back to the beach the buoys were off, there was no on-shore structure we could see and sight our way back in so I was all over the place and ended up coming to shore down beach from the entrance to transition and had some extra running to do....

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Mork & Youngberg Keep Winning!


SQUARE LAKE 70.3 - JOSH MORK's victorious 4:09:52 at Chisago in late July was his half IM  personal best, and stands as the fastest time at the distance by a MInnesota male this season. Josh is justifiably proud of that effort, but he's quick to point out that his "personal record" and his "personal best" are not the same thing. 4:09 is his fastest time, but his 4:11:39 runaway course record at Square Lake last Saturday is, by far his best 70.3 performance. ...

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Lose These Words Now! ...


By Stef Hanson (Witsup.com)


5 words that should be eradicated  from a triathlete's vernacular:



- “Hey what race did you do on the weekend?” “Oh I JUST did the sprint.”
- “Hey, how far did you ride on Sunday.” “Oh I JUST did an easy 140kms.”

Stop it. Give yourself more credit than that. I find the whole “I just did the half” comment falls out of people’s mouths a lot at races that have a half and a full distance on the same day. I guarantee, you are no lesser of an athlete for doing a half. In fact you’re smart. You get the best of both worlds. Finish by lunchtime/mid afternoon, have a shower, grab a drink – you’ve earned it, and cheer on your ridiculous friends who are still racing....

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High Fives!


By Unny Nambudiripad (https://unnypn.org)


HOPKINS ROYAL TRIATHLON RACE REPORT - On Saturday, August 31, I completed my second triathlon. It went fantastic!

I chose to do the triathlon to feel alive, healthy, and full of vigor, to celebrate life with friends and family, and do my best. And I was very successful in all of those!

Of course celebrating with others involves their active participation! Thanks to Jil, Roshani, Sheff, Lola, Krista, Devan, Brahma, Neil, Phillip, Bernie, Victor,  and my oldest brother Guptan. Three folks that I helped recruit and completed alongside me were Julie, Mike, and my other older brother Krishnan. Thanks to all of you for participating by cheering me on, sharing food after the event, competing with me, running, swimming, or biking with me in the the last few months, and giving me high fives during the race.

Regarding the high fives…the other triathlon I did was this same one four years ago. Near the very end of the race, somebody I didn’t know held up their hand to receive a high five and I gave it. Later that day, I thought that this is not something I would have done when I competed as a runner when I was a teenager. In those years, I thought little of fitness, the social or psychological benefits (though I did gain much in that regard), and focused entirely on getting faster and competing well....

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