Lose These Words Now! ...


By Stef Hanson (Witsup.com)


5 words that should be eradicated  from a triathlete's vernacular:



- “Hey what race did you do on the weekend?” “Oh I JUST did the sprint.”
- “Hey, how far did you ride on Sunday.” “Oh I JUST did an easy 140kms.”

Stop it. Give yourself more credit than that. I find the whole “I just did the half” comment falls out of people’s mouths a lot at races that have a half and a full distance on the same day. I guarantee, you are no lesser of an athlete for doing a half. In fact you’re smart. You get the best of both worlds. Finish by lunchtime/mid afternoon, have a shower, grab a drink – you’ve earned it, and cheer on your ridiculous friends who are still racing....


Oh, and have you ever said to a civilian, I JUST rode 140kms this morning? Without fail, their response will be, “That’s a long way to drive, let alone ride!” Admit it – you love this response, because a part of you likes that people think you’re a little unhinged.

IF-ONLY (ok it’s two words, but I threw a hyphen in there to trick you)

- I would have had a great race IF ONLY …
- If only my dog didn’t eat my race shoes?
If only my nutrition plan worked?
- If only the sun glare didn’t hurt my eyes in the swim?
- If only it wasn’t so hot?
- If only it didn’t rain?
- If only Mother Nature was kinder.
- If only the queue for the port-a-loo wasn’t so long.
- If only I didn’t get a drafting penalty.
- If only I had time to have coffee before the race?
- If only I didn’t eat all that pasta last night?
- If only my kid hadn’t projectile vomited on me race morning?
- If only I got more rest?
- If only I trained harder?
- If only I were faster?
Shall I go on?....READ MORE
