
$150 Worth of Trail Mix & a Giant Thing of Shampoo...


Bymuffins.jpg Ted Treise

What have we been up to, how we're dealing with COVID, and other stuff... An update from Dani and Ted
On Monday, March 16th, we got up at our usual time, 5:30 am, and went to Lifetime Southdale, and swam an old Masters wko from Training Peaks since Hopkins Masters closed down our usual pool the day before. The mentality was that of an oncoming blizzard or nor’easter for those on the East coast. Something that will come and pass in the coming days. Maybe everyone is a bit on edge right now, but it will be over shortly.

Within the next 24 hours, Dani and I left work to start working from home, I stopped at Target and bought $150 worth of trail mix, PB&J, noodles, various disposable disposable paper products, and a giant thing of shampoo.  Gyms closed, and later that week, the first race of the year, Texas 70.3 Galveston, cancelled too. This was the start of.. ah, how about .. THE COVID WINTER (?)....

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A Few Silver Linings....


Screen_Shot_2020-04-09_at_1.52.36_PM.pngED. Our second awesome pandemic post is by Chris Mitchell. Enjoy.


By Chistine Mitchell

 Screen_Shot_2020-04-09_at_1.49.48_PM.png This meme kinda sums up our world these days ....but definitely made me laugh! You asked for a few words but I am not sure what you’re looking for, and I’m DEFINITELY not a writer So feel free to use any, or none of this. You won’t hurt my feelings at all! Hope you are doing well and staying healthy! 

Without a doubt, this is a crazy time !  For the last several weeks, we have been sheltering in place at our cabin up north, and plan to stay for a few more.  I’m trying to look for silver linings in all this craziness and have a few. 

First, we GET to enjoy time up north, which is wonderful.  We have never before been able to spend a month up here and our Labrador is in heaven!!!!! He’s not going to want to go back home again someday! And Our son, who is in grad school at Iowa state, has been home with us for several weeks .  We haven’t had him around this much since he left for college, so for that we are also thankful. ...

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Love in the Tim of Quarantine...Not Cholera...


MINDblow.pngED. This is our first of hopefully many posts in which Minnesota triathletes discuss how they are handling life in the pandemic lane. The author is Nikki Dostert Sudberry, and her article is truly fantastic. Enjoy.


By Nikki Dostert Sudberry - aka "Ginger Chewbaca - (gingertriathlete.worpress.com)

While our world struggles to stay physically healthy some struggle mentally. For many, workouts and racing are a form of stress relief. During this immensely stressful time we are tasked to stand still, lay low with no physical contact and no end date in sight. We watch our family and friends struggle and wait…

March 12th was sunny in Puerto Rico and that morning I set out for my pre race OWS and run. It was Thursday and my tenth 70.3 was to take place Sunday the 15th. ..

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Safe Distance When Walking, Running, Biking...


By Jurgen Thoelen (medium.com)

What is a safe distance when running, biking and walking during COVID-19 times? It is further than the typical 1–2 meter as prescribed in different countries!

In a lot of countries walking, biking and jogging are welcome activities in these times of COVID-19. However, it is important to note that you need to avoid each other's slipstream when doing these activities. This comes out of the result of a study by the KU Leuven (Belgium) and TU Eindhoven (Netherlands).

The typical social distancing rule which many countries apply between 1–2 meters seems effective when you are standing still inside or even outside with low wind. But when you go for a walk, run or bike ride you better be more careful. When someone during a run breathes, sneezes or coughs, those particles stay behind in the air. The person running behind you in the so-called slip-stream goes through this cloud of droplets....

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The Bright Side...


janbike.pngBy Jan Guenther (posted on gearwest.com - March 30, 2020)

Those of us who have choices right now are very fortunate. I have the options to put the phrase ‘look at the bright side’ into reality, if I choose.

Yes, we had to close the Alpine store and the Run / XC ski store and I have never been in my office surrounded by a tomb-like silence.

BUT the bike store IS OPEN and we can work and service the amazingly cheerful and respectful customers that choose business with us. Being open means we can ‘curbside’ a ski or two, and a run shoe or three. The GW bike staff are really excited to see how well we can do business in this new way of restricted access, focused cleanliness, parking lot deliveries and more.

I am certainly learning new skill sets. Some may not be super transferable, like figuring out which piece of the Gov’t ‘recovery’ program best fits the Gear West family. Each week brings its new rules and requires immense flexibility by me and staff to absorb the changes and carry on cheerfully. I am certainly working on my flexible decision-making skills to consider everyone’s fears, home and financial situations when determining how to remain in business for these next couple of months. Not fun. Nor have I ever run a retail store where we were not marketing for the future; everything is on hold. But I am so lucky, I do not face moral life-threatening decisions like my physician and nursing friends do. Their lives have been turned inside out....

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