
Apple Kicks Off 2021 Season...


The 2021 Minnesota Multisport Season gets underway on Saturday, May 22 with our state's oldest race, the SARTELL APPLE DUATHLON. This iconic 38-year-old event is arguably our country's premier non-championship run-bike-run.

In our last post, we shared some historical performance data on the OAKDALE SPRING CLASSIC DUATHLON, which shares the opening weekend (May 23) with Apple. Here are the names and times of those who set the performance standards at Apple: ...

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2021 Season Openers - Duathlon Weekend...


It's time to get serious. Racing plans need to be made, at least tentatively. Outdoor training is happening and vaccinations for all are on the horizon. So, start thinking about knocking off some on rust season opener weekend, where you have the choice to either race on May 22 (Saturday) at the APPLE, our state's oldest multisport event, or on the 23rd (Sunday) at the OAKDALE SPRING CLASSIC DUATHLON at Lake Elmo Park Reserve.

Or both?

The May duathlons are awesome prep for tri season, which get underway two weeks down the road. But in between on June 2 is the Hopkins OPEN H20 CHALLENGE, which is produced by the smae folks that bring you the HOPKINS ROYAL TRIATHLON, a multiple Race of the Year Winner....

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Stuff Beginners Need to Know...


By Holly Bennett (triathlete.com)

As part of your intro to the sport, consider why you’re taking up triathlon to begin with and what you hope to gain from the beginner triathlon training experience. Are you motivated purely by the desire to have fun and expand your social circle? Are you looking for a fitness kick in the pants to battle the bulge of middle age? Were you inspired by media coverage of a seemingly impossible pursuit? Are you an athletic type already, aiming to be a serious contender? Whatever your reasons at the start, formulating your goals and priorities will help you plan a race season best suited to your desires and strengths....

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Committed to Growing the Sport....


By USA Triathlon

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. — USA Triathlon today unveiled Elevate 2028, the organization’s 2021-2028 Strategic Plan, which will guide its priorities, decision-making processes and culture through the next two Olympic and Paralympic Quadrennials. The robust set of guiding principles, goals and strategies will enable USA Triathlon to grow participation, provide unmatched support to the multisport community, and reach vast new audiences culminating at the Olympic and Paralympic Games Los Angeles 2028.

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Ted's Schedule - Part II ...


By Ted Treise (https://www.instagram.com/ttreise/)

The Meat and Potato’s.

I am deeming this section the meat and potatoes of the season. These are races on the schedule that I’ve done before (mostly) at a distance I’ve done many times before. There are two goals surrounding these races – executing them with a high level of precision and figuring out what I am good at course wise. These races are: ...

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