
Bonnie's Birthmark...

winstonWinston Churchill (photo) was a famous fat guy. Like most truly obese dudes, be had "man boobs." Or as they larsenare more contemporarily known: Moobs.

Legend has it that hidden in the fold beneath his left moob was a birthmark shaped precisely like his beloved Great Britain. Moreover, the mark was

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Kickin' Tush At Kickin' Leaves..

klRace Coverage - Taggart Downare picked up his fourth victory of the season and fifth of his career at the 4th annual Kickin'Leaves Duathlon yesterday. His CR-crushing time was 58:17 and his margin over runner-up Ryan Herzog was an adipose 4:04. Tara Makinen, who will submit a race report in a few days, won the women's race by a similarly plump margin. The Grand Rapids event was our state's final multisport event of the year....

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YWCA Women's Tri Stuff...


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Cool Running Stuff...

victoryWanna see what smooth, fast running looks like? Former Minnesota Master Triathlete of the Year and total hoot, Heidi Keller-Miler sent us a link to the MDRA website which features a video of this year's Victory 5K & 10K. It was videographicated by super triathlete and truly tall person Curt Wood. Curt is already 7'4" but on Rollerblades, he shoots up to 8'2". Inexpertly rolling around the course with expensive videographical equipment stuck to his face and looking like a hairless, drunken sasquatch, he was able to totally freak out many of the runners, several of whom were forced to DNF....

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Masters of Their Domains...

scottdavidMinnesota Multisport Awards - Brian Bich (2008) and Tony Schiller (2002) are former US Masters of the Year and each have been nominated for that award on several occasions. Greg Taylor was nominated for that prize in 2009 and Rhett Bonner was given serious consideration as well. These are the guys who set the 40+ bar in Minnesota. There are many, many talented male masters in our state, but only those whose 2010 resumes approximate, match or exceed the Bichian-Schillerian-Taylorian-Bonnerian standards will receive MOY nominations.

Did Brian, Tony, Greg and Rhett race as well this year as they have in season's past? And are they shoo-ins for nominations?

Maybe. Maybe not...

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