
Crime Fighting Home Improvement Guy...

burglarBy David Thompson (from thompsontri.com)

This is the short version of a long but interesting story. While working on the in-floor heat for the mudroom during the later stages of the remodeling project. I forgot to lock the recently installed rear door to the house. I realize my mistake halfway through applying the scratch coat of thin-set mortar over the heating cables. I told my wife about this too. Neither of us thought it would be a big deal since our house had been with out a rear door for 2 months. The risk of not having a secure door for one more night seemed small....

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Having Fun & Learning...

bikeThis is the third and final installment in MTN's "Mighty Sophs" series. Today we chat with Claire Bootsma, aka "Boots" or "Bootsie," who is very, very cool. She's also very tall and pretty and funny, a super cook, and has a huge smile and awesome red hair.

And she appears destined to become one of the premier triathletes in our region.

MTN - Tell us about your off season. Are you optimistic about your sophomore year in the sport?

Boots - The 2010 season was so exciting for me! All the people I met at races were very cool and so gosh darn friendly. The success I had was unexpected and so now that I've gotten my feet wet I'm looking forward to a full season which I've had time to plan and prepare for. I cannot wait to meet more of the Midwest's multisport community and to actually get racing again (the FUN part after a winter of training). My off season training pretty much rotates with the seasons: whatever I can do...

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Super Sophs - Part II...

samYesterday we posted the 2011 goals and self-expectations of Super Soph Dan Hedgecock. Today we posed similar questions to fellow 2nd-year stud Sam Janicki, who totally likes to party. He's shown here with a scary Mushroom Afro, a deadly snake, a screwdriver and pretty girl named Alyssa.

MTN - Tell us about your off season, Sam. Are you optimistic going into your sophomore year in the sport?

SJ - This has been a very interesting off season for me. Non Triathlon related I am finishing up my last semester of school at the UMN with a...

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Newsy & Notesy Stuff...

jeanne* While we at MTN are giddy with anticipation of Minnesota's immanent outdoor tri season, we are also slightly bummed. Several of our state's most talented female multisporters will miss most or all of the 2011 campaign. On the Injured List is Athlete of the Decade Cathy Yndestad and three-time MMA winner Jeanne Fleck (photo), both of whom hope to return to action late in the season. On the Relocated List are 2010 Rookie of the Year and Performance of the Year winner Jenny Shaughnessy (Durham, NC), 2010 Triathlete of the Year nominee Cathy Lee (Cincinnati, OH), six-time MMA winner Marlo McGaver (Tucson, AZ), rising star Joanna Hall (Iowa City, IA), who won three multis last season, and the consistent and versatile Shelley Nelson (Denver, CO)....

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Mighty Sophomores...Part I

dan & girldandan river

Photos - Dan Hedgecock - Dan & a very pretty girl - Dan running very fast - Dan trying to surf in a river

Minnesota's Rookie class of 2008 was truly awesome. It featured ROY nominees Kortney Haag, Patrick Parish, Lydia Novotny and Karla Valusek Strom and several others--Katherine Schlaefer, Brooke Larsen, Joanna Hall and Greta Simpson--who have since established themselves within our region's elite ranks....

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