Super Sophs - Part II...

samYesterday we posted the 2011 goals and self-expectations of Super Soph Dan Hedgecock. Today we posed similar questions to fellow 2nd-year stud Sam Janicki, who totally likes to party. He's shown here with a scary Mushroom Afro, a deadly snake, a screwdriver and pretty girl named Alyssa.

MTN - Tell us about your off season, Sam. Are you optimistic going into your sophomore year in the sport?

SJ - This has been a very interesting off season for me. Non Triathlon related I am finishing up my last semester of school at the UMN with a...

degree in Organic Horticulture. Also got hired by an awesome company selling greenhouse supplies to customers around Minnesota. Tri-wise, training has shown a steady improvement all winter. Almost all of my running and biking has been basework and I would say my biking has developed the most since I'm still just a newbie at it. This was my first time using a bike trainer in the winter, rather than spin classes, and I was able to samuse a computrainer weekly to track improvements. I have also been swimming on a regular basis now. I competed in a few Masters swim meets and was surprised to find myself in nearly as good of shape as I was in high school swimming. One big change to my training has been adding a lifting program. I never used weight training last year and I can already see the benefits it adds to performing.

MTN - After your stellar rookie season, many of your peers expect humongous things from you in 2011. MTN certainly does. What do you expect from yourself this season?

SJ - I have set some pretty high goals for myself this season but have also realized that this is a learning year too. This will be my first season racing 70.3's so I cannot have any serious expectations right now. My goals include qualifying and placing rather high at the 70.3 world championship in NV, qualifying for the Toyota cup race in Dallas, qualify for the ITU long distance championship, race well, stay healthy and most importantly, have fun with all of this cause I'm too young at this sport to take it super serious.

Also, my new sponsor is the amazing Trifitness store out of White Bear Lake. Vicki has been working with me to provide daily personal training, monthly VO2 testing, monitored lifting and other training at their Training Center. Judi has been helping equipe me with a brand new Orbea Ordu, HED wheels, and lots of other new equipment that I truely needed upgrading from last year (like using my old high school track spikes as racing shoes!) It's going to be a great season working with and racing for Trifitness.

MTN - What races will you be doing this year?

SJ - Here's my 2011 schedule:

Cinco Du Mayo

Albert Lea Tri



