
Stuff About Suffering...

guy"You don't play triathlon. You play soccer; it's fun. You play baseball. Triathlon is work that can leave you crumpled in a heap, puking on the roadside. It's the physical brutality of climbing Mount Everest without the great view from the top of the world. What kind of person keeps on coming back for more of that?

"That's why your state of mind is so important. You have to be honest with yourself about suffering: it's going to come, and it's part of the wholeness of being a triathlete, and it's totally real. It's you versus you. If you can be at peace in your mind and accept the pain, then you can see it as a part of the whole amazing experience. But if you're dreading the suffering because you approach it from a negative frame of mind, when it finally comes you're going to check out."

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Seeing What This Thing is All About...

christinaPhoto - Life Time-Fridley Indoor champ, Christina Meier.

By Lisa Wacek

Race Coverage & Stuff - Last Sunday, I went to the Lifetime Indoor Triathlon in Fridley to cheer on some friends who were racing. I wanted to see what this indoor tri thing was all about and show some support for my friends Christina Meier, Scott Koke, Chad Motzko and Lisa Brown who were all competing. I used the terms racing and competing because that is what it was! It was fun to watch everyone push themselves including a lot of first timers who wanted to see what this tri thing was all about. Or the others who have past tri experience and were motivated to test their fitness before the season officially starts. There was a lot of huffing, puffing and sweating going down that morning at Lifetime. Pools of sweat accumulated under the spin bikes and all over the treadmills. It was fun to watch and I was thankful I didn't get talked into signing up. I have a bad habit of getting talked into races.... see below paragraph for reference. The thought of running hard on the treadmill with nothing to listen to but the sound of your breathing for 20 minutes didn't look to be fun. I was just there to provide water, gels and cheer them on. I was happy to see my friends doing so well and the sense of accomplishment the first timers felt when they finished the run. Christina who has been working hard this off...

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Cool Stuff About Patrick & Matthew...

matt and pat(Photo - Matt and Patrick being buds.)

Newsy Notesy Stuff - On Wednesday MTN asked Patrick Parish to comment on his participation in next weekend's USAT Duathlon National Championships. We received these words via email yesterday:

I typically enter a couple duathlons as dress rehearsal for triathlon season. This year, my plans are only slightly different. I signed up for Duathlon Nationals on a whim after a couple races with the Run N Fun guys this Spring went better than expected and rekindled my love for racing. With great events and competition in the Twin Cities area, the travel is hard to justify, so I'm chalking it off as an impulse buy. My rationalization is that since I'm likely to face up to four nationally-recognized duathletes in any Minnesota race, an extra practice session might help before hitting the local circuit. I'll have one of my TCMC teammates as a travel companion, so the pace will be honest and good times shall be had throughout my first trip to Arizona.

Thanks for your support!


P.S. It would behoove you to double-check the registration list. I believe there's an entrant in the the thirty-something mutant ninja turtle category that deserves some MN Tri News lovin'....

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PP in the Desert...

ppRace Preview - The 2012 USAT Duathlon AG National Championships will take place in the Tucson suburb of Oro Valley on Saturday, April 28. Minnesota is only sending six athletes this year, but one of them could win the whole darn thing outright.logo

We're talking about Patrick Parish (photo L), a soft-spoken Dukie who looks great in a suit and is diligent about his dental hygiene. He has won 19 races in four years, and three of those were duathlons. Check out his complete du resume:

2011 - 1st amateur @ Turtleman Du. 2nd @ Gear West

2010 = 1st amateur / 2nd overall @ Gear West. 1st amateur / 3rd overall at Apple.

2009 - 2nd @ Turtleman Du. 7th @ Gear West. 7th amateur @ Apple.

Notice his improvement between 2009 and 2010? Whoa! ...

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Preemptive Diapering...

diaper boyPreviewing Previews - Adult diapers are not as bulky as they used to be. They can be worn under jeans or shorts and no one will know. Sure, they don't work well under bike pants or tri suits, especially if the wearer has had an "accident."

This is the time of year that the MTN Guys need to slip into their Depends because Minnesota's outdoor multisport racing season is about to start--in 10 days, actually!--and we are so goshdarned excited that we are literally peeing ourselves.

Next week we will preview four in-state events that are slated for the weekend of April 28-29: UM-Morris Tinman, which is celebrating it's 28th anniversary, the five-year-old Falls Duathlon in Cannon Falls, and the Take the Hill (St. Peter) and MSU Spring Tri (Mankato). We will also spill some...

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