
Becky's Belly, Rod's Grammar, Denver's Bliss...

preggers* THE BELLY - Becky Youngberg won nine triathlons last year; more than any other Minnesota girl.becky

How will she do this season? We predict that she won't win a single race.

Why, you ask?

'Cuz her husband Jack is a major stud muffin who for the third time since 2008 has managed to impregnate his wife.

That's right! As they say in Italy, Becky's "got the belly."

We'll miss you at the races, Becky. We look forward to writing about your racing exploits in 2013. FYI, that is not Becky's preggers belly in the photo. We found it on Google and thought it was cool...(More stuff on Page 2)

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DKT, Hedge & Claire-Bear....

logoEvent Preview - David Thompson, Dan Hedgecock and Claire Bootsma will kick off their 2012 tri seasons at the iconic St. Anthony's Triathlon in St. Petersburg, Florida, next Sunday. David will be facing one of the deepest pro fields that this 29th-year-old event has ever assembled, while Dan and Claire, who like each other a lot, will take on large and talented elite amateur fields.

A $65,000 purse will be distributed amongst the Top 10 pro men and women. For DKT, who has finished, as they say, in the money, on four prior occasions here, to come home with a check in his pocket on Sunday, he will have to outrace several of the sport's best practitioners. This year's field features five former champs. They are Matty Reed (2008, 2007), three-time Czech Olympian / two-time European champion Filip Ospaly (2011), Cameron Dye (2010), Andy Potts (2009) and six-time podium finisher, Greg Bennett (2005). Also in the field are international stars Bevan Docherty and Terenzo Bozzone of New Zealand, Steward Hayes of ....

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Minnesota's Awesome Spring Du Season is Here!

logoFalls Du Preview - Minnesota's multisporters will be scattered across the US landscape this weekend. Some will be in St. Petersburg, Florida, competing against 3500 others at the 29th edition of St. Anthony's Triathlon. Others will be in Tucson, Arizona, competing at USAT Du Nationals. Most will remain in-state, racing in Morris (UMM-Tinman), St. Peter (Take the Hill Triathlon), Mankato (MSU Spring Tri), or in Cannon Falls at the 4th annual Falls Duathlon.

Produced by the great folks at Final Stretch, the FD launches what we think of as "Minnesota's Awesome Spring Duathlon Season", which consists of five well-established and totally excellent run-bike-runs:

* Falls Duathlon (Cannon Falls - 4/28)

* Cinco du Mayo (Square Lake - 5/5)...

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Jenny is a Very, Very Good Triathlete...

jenny(Photo - Jenny, who is fond of chardonnay, and her fiance', Robert, who prefers champagne, at their engagement party.)

Jenny Shaughnessy is so darn good!

How good, you inquire? Last Saturday the 2010 Minnesota Rookie of the Year placed 2nd overall at the Collegiate National Championships in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Winner of the Grad title, Shaughnessy, who is engaged and likes frozen yogurt a lot, strung together impressive splits over a challenging course (2nd fastest swim - 19:37, 4th fastest bike - 1:07:52, 18th fastest run - 40:47: 2:11:48) and finished ahead of a Who's Who of wicked-fast tri girls. The girl who came out on top, however, was able to do so thanks to a smokin' 35:42 run split. Sick! Her name is Marissa Ferrante, she's only 20-years-old and, SURPRISE, she's a track and cross country star at Stanford University. She has yet to declare a major, but is leaning towards archeology. Like Jenny, Marissa loves yogurt, though she prefers the non-frozen stuff.

Ferrante is the real deal, folks. She totally reminds us of 2009 National AG Champion, Kaitlin Shiver. Shiver is now a successful pro. We expect that Marissa will be one, too. ....(More on page 2)

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Inappropriate Reading Material...

principal's officeMacca

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