
Britney, Bachelorettes & Biting Chihuahuas...

suzieWe Q'ed and A'ed with Suzie Fox after her stunning victory at the Oakdale Duathlon last weekend. Here are her totally cool and eloquent answers to our ineloquent questions.

MTN - You rocked socks at Oakdale, Suz! The win was the 6th of your young multisport career and it not only shattered a course record, your pace suggested that you would have crushed Jenny Wilcox's mark that was set on a slightly longer course in 2010.

Do you consider your effort at Oakdale to be a "breakout?" Was it your best performance yet?

SUZIE - It was exciting to be back at Oakdale because I raced there my rookie year in '09 so I wanted to see how much I have improved. I cut 16:55 off from my last time racing there, even though the course was slightly longer in '09 it is amazing what equipment upgrades from Gear West Bike, an OHP coach, and 3 years of hard work and dedication can do! It was for sure a "breakout" and my best performance at Oakdale at least....

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A Winner's Words...

scottyOakdale Duathlon Race Report

By Scott Penticoff

What a day we all had at Oakdale Duathlon! It was so good to be back racing, and really pushing the heart rate to a place it hadn

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Pepperoni Girl, Zebra Socks & Broken Records...

lydia(Photo - Lydia Novotny, a girl, a dog and the shadow of the guy who's taking the picture.)

Oakdale Du Coverage - Susan Ward is married to triathlete Emmerson Ward, who happens to be one of the 3-4 most handsome guys in the upper Midwest. When asked how she felt about this, she responded with a question of her own: "Well, how do you think HE feels about being married to one of the 3-4 most beautiful women in the upper Midwest?"

Great answer, huh!

Susan is very pretty. And she really liked "Bridesmaids," believing fervently that Kristin Wiig is a comic genius (She sooooo is!), and pizza with "mushrooms, black olives and a couple of pepperonis." Ah come on, Sue! Stop feeling guilty about LOVING pepperoni. Admit it. When...

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GWD Turns 20!

gwdRace Preview - The Gear West Duathlon will celebrate its 20th anniversary next Sunday. Cool, huh? Hey, don't you think you should be on hand for the celebration? If you haven't registered yet, we suggest you do so at your earliest opportunity.

Historically, the GWD has been the first major race on the Minnesota multisport calendar. As the annual launch of the Midwest Multisport Series, arguably the most competitive amateur multi series in America and has been since its inception in 1998, it draws an outrageously deep field. On several occasions in the past decade, the GWD has assembled the most talent-rich amateur field of the entire Minnesota season....

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Chelsea's Amazing Story....

busED. Trudy Marshall, aka "Trudles," is one of the MTN Guys. She is also the founder / Executive Director of the Best of the US Triathlon Series (LINK). On Tuesday she posted an amazing story about an amazing triathlete. We had to share it with MTN's readers.

May 08, 2012

"It's a terrifying thing to see a bus wheel on top of you."

On April 21, Chelsea Duran, 29, was the third place Nevada finisher at RAGE Triathlon at Lake Mead, Nevada, thereby qualifying to race at the Best of the U.S. National Championship. That is her bike helmet underneath the school bus, and this is her story:...

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