
Newsy Notesy Stuff...

mario* Since 2008 Kasson's Mario Minelli, who has extremely attractive ankles (photo L), has won three duathlons and has established himself as one of our state's most consistent run-bike-runners. Last Saturday (May 26) Super Mario earned his first career triathlon victory, doing so at the Northstar Tri in Esterville, Iowa. Twas a dominant effort as Minelli covered the sprint distances in 55:46, 5:45 ahead of runner-up Kevin Mitchell. The women's race was won by Kathy Grady of South Dakota. We mention her because we've known her since 2006 and she is one of the coolest people we've ever met. She has awesome cyclist legs..... RESULTS

* 2012 Cinco Du Mayo Short Course winner Erich Heneke of Stewartville placed 3rd overall on May 13 at the Lake MacBride Duathlon in Coralville, Iowa. Ankeny's Jon Estabrook, who like ...

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Outracing the Brunt...


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Lil Pig Preview....


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Broken Glass For Breakfast...


ED. Matt is a terrific writer. He is also a pretty darn good artist.

By Matt Payne

Viva Las Vegas

RACE REPORT - I actually qualified for the 70.3 World Championship in Las Vegas last year by winning my age group in New Orleans, but I ended up skipping 70.3 worlds to race Best of the US. That worked out alright, so no real regrets, but I was still somewhat bummed at missing out on Vegas.

So this year as soon as I found out the BOUS race was moving to spring of 2013, I immediately started looking for a 70.3 race to qualify at. I pretty...

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Saturday's Races...UPDATE...

gretch(Photo - Loon Lake Du winner Gretchen Sadaka.)

Race Stuff -- The weather may have sucked, but the racers did not. Despite occasional delugeian rainfall and hurricanish winds, several folks, most notably Patrick Parish and Ruth Brennan Morrey, blew away some records at this morning's 30th edition Sartell Apple Duathlon, Minnesota's oldest (and truly one of its finest!) multis. Story and photos on Tuesday. APPLE RESULTS

On a day suited more suited for coots and mallards, Dan Friedrichs and Gretchen Sadaka claimed victories at the LOON LAKE DUATHLON in Lake Crystal this morning. How yucky were the conditions, you ask? Only 42 of the 62 starters were able to finish. LLD RESULTS

UPDATE - To assume makes an ass of "u" and "me." In this case, though, just me. Sixty one of the 62 starters did finish, but we assumed that 19 had not because times weren't listed for them in the results. At last glance, results still had not been results updated. As for yucky weather, it didn't get totally yucky--downpour--until the last person finished.
