
LMT's 10-Year Celebration....Updated...

jan(Photo -Two-time LMT winner, Jan Guenther.)


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Minnesota's Triple Crown Kick-Off...

cyTrinona V - Pros nabbed the Top four men's places at Trinona Olympic on Sunday, with Minnesotans David Thompson, Dan Hedgecock and Devon Palmer comprising the podium. Fourth went to 20-year-old Illinois guy Reeven Nathan, whose parents should get "Style Points" for naming him Reeven, which is a totally cool frontal moniker.

The Top 3 was never in doubt, though the order was debatable. DKT had won the last three editions of this annual classic, which now serves as the kick-off event for Life Time Fitness' Minnesota Triple Crown Series (with Minneapolis and Maple Grove), but he had yet to demonstrate in 2013 his usual early season fitness. He was beaten the week before by Dan Hedgecock and there was some speculation that Dan's fitness--he's won three races already this year--would propel him to another victory on Sunday. He raced hard but David was just too strong on the bike. His 1-mph advantage gave him a sweet cushion. Though Hedge made up 2:17 during the run, Thompson still managed to win by a 1:26 margin. His 4th consecutive Trinona win was the 82nd W of his career...

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Diane's Back! And Other Liberty Half Stuff...

nicole(Nicole Heininger Facebook Photo - We've never posted a shot of Nicole before, so we thought it would be cool to do so here. She rocked a 6th place finish in 4:57:13 at Liberty last Saturday. FYI, Ms. H placed 2nd last month at Cinco Du Mayo Long Course.)

Liberty Half VIII - Columbia Height's head-banger, Matt Payne, won his 2nd career half IM (to go with 2nds at Chisago, New Orleans 70.3 and Soma) last Saturday at Liberty VIII, staged at beautiful Lake Rebecca Park Reserve. His time--4:07:39--was both a course and race record and was made even more remarkable by the fact that he was bonking like a banshee over the last third of the run. His great clocking, only 1:47 off his PR, was due largely to an ungodly bike split (4:09), one that gave him a 12-minute cushion in T2 on eventual runner-up / 2009 Liberty winner Jon Balabuck of Thunder Bay, Ontario. Known for his running prowess, Jon, who has a lovely wife and two above-average kids, managed to make up all but 3:39 of that lead. His final time was a noteworthy 4:11:18....

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Righteous Racing at Rebecca...

john(Photo - John Heinlein III rocked an excellent 3rd at Liberty Olympic last weekend.)

Liberty Olympic IX - Last Saturday's Liberty Triathlon was a great race with a great vibe. Part of the event's greatness was due to the inordinately high number of visiting athletes (most of whom raced in the half IM). Scads of Dakotans and Iowans, and especially Canadians, took part in what Mark Bongers of Final Stretch (the company that owns and manages the event) called the "best Liberty yet." If you were there, you'd find that assessment hard to refute....

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Technical Difficulty...

devonBy Devon Palmer

Posted on June 4, 2013 by palmertri

I was very excited to head East for Rev3 Quassy this past weekend. The race itself turned out awful. I will be brief on that and longer on the more positive elements of the weekend. The swim was actually quite good, I got on the tail end of the main pack and stayed there. I was out of the water Paul Ambrose, Ritchie Cunningham, Joe Gambles and Maik Twelsiek. Three miles into the bike there was an s curve coming off a downhill. I botched it and went up into the ditch. To my surprise I didn

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