
Breakouts & Runaways...

larry(Photo - Rookie triathlete Larry Hosch.)

Graniteman-St. Cloud - David Phillips, a Maple Grove-based New Zealander, who has a cool accent and calls some of his friends,"mates," came into Sunday's soggy, windy, rain-delayed Graniteman-St. Cloud Triathlon knowing that he was destined to win races. How soon he would chalk up that first W was the question. He'd already come within one place of the top spot at Buffalo Sprint on June 2, and at Du at the Dam and Maple Grove Sprint in 2012.

Was Sunday going to be the breakout day? Or would he have to wait?

Thanks largely to a big-time bike split, Sunday was the day. David

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The Midwest's "Arrrgh-iest" Triathon...

logoCroixathlon XIII Preview - The eight edition of our region's "arrgh-iest" triathlon will take place at Camp St. Croix south of Hudson, Wisconsin on Saturday. The buccaneer-themed event is a hoot and we recommend it as highly as, say, David Holden and Dan Cohen, do. Both of those guys are two-time champions and both have called the event, "My favorite race."

Croixathlon is challenging, yet laid-back, serious, but not fun-drainingly so. You have your choice of a plethora of events (six, actually) this weekend, ....

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Zero Flat Turtles & Ruthless Canucks...

bearsED. Matt Payne is a HOOT! We love the guy, and we love his entertaining race reports. His Liberty report is a "must read."

By Matt Payne (matthew-payne.blogspot.com)

Liberty Race Report - So I was back in action last weekend at the Liberty Half Iron. Since Liberty is a Saturday race and BOUS was a Sunday, that left me with only 6 days to recover. Normally that wouldn't be an issue as I'm typically feeling fully recovered from a hard Olympic distance effort within 2-3 days, but for some reason when I woke up the day after BOUS both of my calves cramped up and never really loosened up at all. Hopefully this has something to do with the fact that it was so cold at BOUS and it's not just the new normal as I get older. If that's the case my days of racing on back to back weekends may be over.

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Weekend Results...


"This is Gonna Hurt You More Than Me"....

itbBy Bonnie Friction

It wasn

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