
Another Win For Sara & Blank...


LAKES COUNTRY TRIATHLON - SARA CARLSON, 44, and JACQUELINE BACIGALUPI, also 44, love their hometown race. And it is obvious that their hometown race loves them back. Jacqui has three Lakes Country women's titles on her resume, and Sara has two, the most recent of which was at last Sunday's 22nd edition of the LCT (including it's predecessor "Whipple Wave")...

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2022 HoRT Preview...UPDATED....


HOPKINS ROYAL TRIATHLON - According to inherently untrustworthy long-range weather reports, racing conditions for next Saturday's Hopkins Royal Triathlon will be awesome. Morning temps in the 60s beneath a blue sunny sky with light winds. The kind of day that feels good on your skin.

The HoRT (Doobie's preferred abbreviation) is not promoted as a highly competitive event; instead as one that favors newbies and weekend warriors. Still, the race is just too dang good to not entice some top athletes, and the overall and Age Group records certainly reflect that. Despite that, the event palpably celebrates the recreational triathlete.

In that MTN focuses on competition, our job here is to talk about the fast folks. 

Let's get to it, starting with the women.

Last year's top three ladies--CATHERINE LEE, ANDREA MYERS and BETTE ROWLEY (photo)--are back. In '21, Lee was only eight seconds faster than Myers, and 57-seconds ahead of Rowley. Will that order repeat? It certainly could. We like the way Lee raced at Door County, which suggested that she should be a bit faster this year, weather permitting. ...

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Surprising Benefits of Heat Training...



By Meaghan Brown (outsideonline.com - July 2016)

One of the highest sweat rates ever recorded was that of marathon runner Alberto Salazar at the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles. In the months leading up to the games, which were expected to be oppressively hot, the marathoner was put through a regimen of temperature acclimation training with the goal of helping him adapt to running in the heat. While Salazar placed only 15th overall, the program was deemed a success, physiologically speaking—vitals taken after the race found that Salazar’s hormonal and thermoregulatory systems were completely normal. His body had compensated by causing him to sweat at an incredibly high rate—about three liters per hour, compared to the roughly one liter per hour for an average human.  ...

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Bigger and Better...


4WOMEN TRIATHLONPREVIEW - The second edition of this women-only sprint triathlon will happen next Sunday (Aug. 28), but not at Lake Ann in Chanhassen as originally advertised. Venue unavailability  has led to relocation to Shady Oak Beach in Minnetonka. Though its swim is a bit shorter than the Hopkins Royal Triathlon, the courses will be basically identical to the perennial Race of the Year nominee. (The HRT won the ROY award in 2015 and 2018.)...

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A Record For Cami?



YOUNG LIFE TRIATHLON PREVIEW - The 19th edition of this great event will happen on Saturday and will feature a very competitive Olympic race. We believe it will also feature a women's course record in its Sprint contest. Let's start there.

Tara Makinen set the  women's Sprint record back in 2010. Her time was formidable: 1:03:32. The closest anyone has come to that mark since is local triathlete CAMI ECKHOFF's 1:05:47, which she turned in in 2021, her rookie season.

Eckhoff is much faster this year. In fact, she is one of the frontrunners for the 2022 Most Improved honor. Her win at Alexandria was impressive. Her 2nd behind national classer Christina Roberts at Tri West was even moreso. Cami is ready to do some rewriting. We suspect she'll pop a 1:02 (or faster) on Saturday, which should put her in the overall (men and women) Top 3 once again. (She placed 3rd overall in 2021.)

We are loving Eckhoff's competitive trajectory. We see her as being the next true tri star from Detroit Lakes, a city that has produced Doug Davis and Hanna Grinaker Cooley. ..

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