
Falls Du Turns Six...

devon-leading.gifRace Preview - The 6th annual Falls Duathlon is on Saturday. Are you signed up yet? If not, link HERE.

This is a great event in a cool place and we recommend it highly.

Here is some event history, featuring the winners and the Race Record holders in the Overall, Junior (19U), Masters (40-59M, 40-54W) and Grand Masters (60+M, 55+W) categories:  ...

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Road Trippin' Womanfriend...

practicing.gifRedneck Crazy, exploits from a marathon in Arkansas

By Angie Hop

“I’m gonna lean my headlights into your bedroom window, and throw empty beer cans at both of your shadows, I didn’t come here to start a fight, but I’m up for anything tonight, you’ve gone and broke the wrong heart baby, and drove me redneck crazy” – Tyler Farr (country and western singer)

In early March I partook in a marathon which was a vacation arrived by participating in a road trip with a destination of Arkansas. Yes, I said Arkansas.   The definitions as labeled by the Urban Dictionary are listed below:  ....

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Hobbits in the Shire...

steve-and-devon.gifBy Devon Palmer (palmertri.wordpress.com)

Season Opener

We’re only a week away from the season! I’m kicking off at the Falls Duathlon. If you’re looking for a fun and low key local race to get your season started, look no further. After that it is all about the Gear West Duathlon. My best friend Steve Stenzel and I (photo L) had a pretty intense competition in the relay event last year but this year I’m racing solo. Wishing Steve the best of luck! If you don’t know Steve you should get to know him. If you see a brightly-colored speedo-clad hobbit at a race, that’s Steve. Go up and say hi. Tell him how cool he looks. Tell him he must be the most athletic hobbit in the Shire. Tell him I sent you. Gosh we’re great friends....

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Dave Thomes is Very Tall....

deb-and-matt.gif(Photo - Deb Roberts & Matt Radniecki)

By Matt Radniecki

Hey MN Tri guys!

With the help and support of Lakes Area Multisport, the Brainerd Family YMCA just wrapped up the last of its three part indoor tri series. The series brought in 41 participants that took part in one, two, or three of the indoor events.

As a recap, the first race took place on February 2 with all the participants covering as much ground as they could in a 10 minute swim, 30 minute bike, and 20 minute run. This race drew 9 participants with likely  ...

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Sunscreen & Buckles...

az-gang.gifBy Julie Hull

RACE REPORT - Lifetime fitness did a fab job again with this Leadman Tempe race. For holding 3 distances they do a great job with individualizing the three distances but leveraging the shared course. We've done all of the Leadman 125k/250k distances (except the first yr in Vegas) and enjoyed this race as much as the others.

Erik and I had an "off" season last yr and found renewed energy for SBR as 2013 season came to close. I changed some things up in the off season to keep things fresh, but had this tri on the radar since the start of the yr.

Tempe was a balmy 85+ degrees and I knew hydration was a key factor. I planned on using UCAN during the race and in a new endurance fueling...

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