

gwpose.gifBy Devon Palmer (palmertri.wordpress.com)

I participated in and successfully completed a sprint (Pigman Sprint) last Sunday. Unfortunately I can’t say much more than that. I got on the bike and realized I was cooked. I’d overstepped a bit in training and didn’t have the firepower I need in a race. This happened many times in 2012 and 2013. It is no fun. I felt kind of dull and wasn’t sharp or excited the day before the race. That should have been a warning sign. Racing when cooked is rough because you just feel silly getting trounced and going slow out there. It was completely self inflicted as well – my coach assigned 2-3 hours or riding the Wednesday before the race which I turned into 100 miles. Looking at the two weeks leading into the race it’s pretty obvious that Wednesday century was ill advised. Anyways, I’ll have to carefully nurture my ego and confidence back to health this week.

Another downside is when you race tired or in a negative mindset it seems bad stuff is more likely to happen. Finishing the ride I somehow managed to take an acrobatic tumble as I...

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Payne Pops a 4:02....

gaby.gif9th LIBERTY HALF - Despite challenging weather, Matthew Payne managed to blast his own course record, dropping his 4:07 in '13 to 4:02:46. His Winners Circle mate was 2013 Rookie of the Year Nicole Heininger. Words and photography on Tuesday. RESULTS

10th LIBERTY OLYMPIC - Gaby Bunten (photo )recorded her first career victory, Pring in 2:18. The men's winner was 2012 Champ David Holden. More words and a a pic or two on Tuesday. RESULTS

NEW BRI TRI - We haven't seen results yet. Words and a results should be posted Sunday afternoon.

BOB POWERS NEWS - We received this email today from Kevin O'Coonor about our favorite nine-o-genarian triathlete: ...

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USOC Athlete of the Month...

gwen-london.gifBy Triathlete.com

The United States Olympic Committee today announced Gwen Jorgensen as its female Athlete of the Month for May for her back-to-back gold medals in the ITU World Triathlon Series last month.

Read the announcement from USA Triathlon below:

Jorgensen (St. Paul, Minn.) successfully defended her WTS title in Yokohama on May 17, connecting with the lead pack on the 1,500-meter swim and 40-kilometer bike before running a 33:43 10k to win by nearly 40 seconds. Then, on May 31, Jorgensen raced to her best finish in London’s Hyde Park, earning her fifth World Triathlon Series title and tying for the most series wins in history with Olympic bronze medalist Emma Moffatt (AUS) and Paula Findlay (CAN). With her...

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Pigs & Pontevedra...

GW-Team.gifPIGMAN SPRINT - In an earlier post we mentioned that Minnesotans have historically dominated at Pigman Sprint. The legacy lives on. Here's how our state's triathletes fared last Sunday in Palo, Iowa:

Overall Top 10 - Six of these spots were earned by Minnesotans.

2nd - David Thompson - 1:01:55. (He finished just 25-seconds behind winner Daniel Bretscher, despite having flatted with four miles to go in the bike segment.)

3. Dan Hedgecock - 1:02:28

7. Kevin O'Connor - 1:04:34 - 2nd amateur/ 1st Master

8. Devon Palmer - 1:06:28

9. Heather Lendway - 1:06:53 - Lowered Claire Bootsma's 2012 course record by 1:46....

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New Bri Turns 9...

beer-bike.gif(Photo - Matt Payne's bike. FYI, this pic has nothing to do with the New Bri preview. We're posting it because we think it's cool.)

RACE PREVE - Can you believe it? The New Bri Tri will celebrate its 9th anniversary this Saturday. Despite the fact that it shares the weekend with a pair of perennially well-attended races--Liberty and Trinona--it will, as always, have a nice turnout (400+) thanks to its high percentage of annual recidivists.

High recidivism rates means that the organizers are doing something right.

Last week, we peeked at New Bri's registration list. No favorites on the men's side leapt out at us. We suspect that several local eite males have since sign-up up, or will do so this week.

The women's field, on the other hand, is deep and has probably gotten even deeper since we looked at last week's list. Based on what we saw, we are willing to make the following predictions:

- The women's tittel will go to either Cathy Lee or Sarah Mercer....

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