Race Previews

New Bri Turns 9...

beer-bike.gif(Photo - Matt Payne's bike. FYI, this pic has nothing to do with the New Bri preview. We're posting it because we think it's cool.)

RACE PREVE - Can you believe it? The New Bri Tri will celebrate its 9th anniversary this Saturday. Despite the fact that it shares the weekend with a pair of perennially well-attended races--Liberty and Trinona--it will, as always, have a nice turnout (400+) thanks to its high percentage of annual recidivists.

High recidivism rates means that the organizers are doing something right.

Last week, we peeked at New Bri's registration list. No favorites on the men's side leapt out at us. We suspect that several local eite males have since sign-up up, or will do so this week.

The women's field, on the other hand, is deep and has probably gotten even deeper since we looked at last week's list. Based on what we saw, we are willing to make the following predictions:

- The women's tittel will go to either Cathy Lee or Sarah Mercer....


- We think that 16-year-old Jane Koch will reassert herself as one of our region's best juniors. We think she'll rewrite the junior girls' CR and crack the overall Top 10.

- We believe that Jenny Wilcox will ride a tri-bike, not the road bike she rode at Oakdale. The result will be a Top 5 overall women's finish.

- Also cracking the Top 10 will be Lisa Lendway, Julia Lyng, lapsed triathlete Jody Quesnell, who is a total HOOT!, and Lisa Wacek.

We believe you can still get into this race. For info and registration, link HERE.

