
Mini-Preves...Morris & Falls...

DauerS.gifMORRIS TINMAN - Though Burnsville's Bette Rowley has won this race each of the last three years, we think she's going to have to settle for 2nd place at UM-Morris tomorrow. Our talkative gut tells us that Sheena Dauer of Montevideo, will come out on top. We're basing this opinion on astological and phrenological factors, plus the fact that she dominated the women's Olympic field at Green Lake last August. We met her and thought she was nice. She has straight white teeth, a Ph.d and looks great in scarves (photo L).

Who will win the guys' Olympic-ish-distance race in Morris tomorrow. We think that Paul Wymer will nip Mick Bakker for the victory. RACE WEBSITE


FALLS DUATHLON - A great turnout--250+-- is expected for Saturday's run-bike-run and we encourage undecided athletes to say "What the heck," or WTH in texteze, and enroll. It's a great event. Final Stretch puts on awesome races.

So, who do we think is gonna win? History tells us that former-amateur-turned pro-re-turned-amateur Devon Palmer is the guy to win, something he did here in 2013....

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Passion Regained...

BRASILIA-PODIUM.gifTriumph: “To gain a victory; be victorious; win.”


By Ruth Brennan Morrey (ruthbrennanmorrey.com)


Brasilia 70.3 Race Report - The title of this blog series is “Two Trials and a Triumph.” I’ve written about the two trials—with the first more ‘trialing’ than the second. Now its time for the triumph which occurred in Brasilia, Brazil on April 5th, 2015 at the Ironman 70.3 Latin American Pro Championships.

Wait, wait, wait…hold it! I didn’t win in Brazil. Let’s get the facts straight. I truly believe in my heart of hearts that a “win” is FIRST place and therefore, my eventual final placing, 3rd place, is not a true win. In fact, Helle Frederickson, quite frankly, freakishly slaughtered the rest of us by 12 minutes or more. This Danish Dart was the clear victor and deserves all the fame along with the small fortune of 20k! She won so handily in fact, that after we finished, when I asked her finish time she replied, “Oh, I don’t know, I finished quite a while ago.” Great. My dream of running down the blue carpet neck and neck with Helle for a photo finish victory wasn’t even close to reality. Congrats to Helle....

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"I Know I have More in Me"...

michelle-chocolate.gifBy Michelle Andres (teamandresjourney.blogspot.com)


It’s finally time…time to get to work and put myself out there.  The sticky notes are posted on my fridge and on the bathroom mirror.  The clock is ticking to the starting line and there can be no more…”Starting Monday….”   Several Mondays have come and gone and my training goals have been pushed to the back burner.

The question I have asked myself so many times since Kona is….Why can’t I flip the switch and just be dedicated?  I have spent a lot of time wondering why it feels so different this time and why do I so easily decide to sleep in instead of heading to the pool or why do I so easily say yes to baking chocolate chip cookies.  I think part of it was/is I feel Lee and the boys supported me so much to reach my goal in Kona.  There was this unspoken feeling that all this “sacrifice” was temporary and then mom would be back.  So for me to say… hey guys…let’s do this again…mom wants to go for it again.  There is this feeling inside of me like I am being very selfish.  There are things I know to be true in life from experiences and one is actions speak louder than words.  It’s possible to dream big dreams, go for it, and still be a mom, wife, teacher, and student (for one more semester). ...

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Minnesota's Du Season Opener...



FALLS DUATHLON PREVIEW - Minnesota's 2015 duathlon season gets underway next Saturday in Cannon Falls. Aptly named, the Falls Du is the first of seven run-bike-runs leading up to USAT Du Nationals in St.  Paul on June 6. Falls is a great event, one that will help you get a jump on your Nationals prep. And there's nothing like a duathlon to knock off your winter rust and reacquaint you with your pain threshold....

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A Great Way to Help Grow our Sport...


Final Stretch, Gear West Bike & Triathlon and MTN wholeheartedly encourage all veteran triathletes to make sure they introduce the multisport lifestyle to at least one, hopefully more, friend or family member this season. And the best way to do that is to get them involved with an exciting new program calle THE ROOKIE TRIATHLON EXPERIENCE. Check it out:

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