
Lawrence Welk, Fleiskuekles & Rhubarb Wine...


Originally posted on December 31, 2011


Going "Off-Course" with 2010 Team Minnesota's Marnie Walth (photo L). This is a recycled post. It first appeared on MTN's predecessor site-- (MinnesotaTriNews.blogspot.com--in 2009. WARNING: Much of what is printed here is made-up.)

Marlina Walth is a proud North Dakotan. In fact, she's a a model citizen for the state that she robustly claims to be "one of the two best Dakotas in America."

What does it mean to be a "model" North Dakotan, you ask?

First of all it means that you were born and raised on a farm and that you've known how to drive a tractor (photo below) since you were 11. It also means that you unashamedly own and listen to scratchy old Lawrence Welk records. ("The Minot Polka" is Marnie's favorite song!)...

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Toast Puller-Outers & Marlin Hooks......

fudgetunnelfb-648x650.gifED. This Holiday post originally appeared on December 19, 2014.

HAPPY HOLIDAYS - Yesterday we blew our imaginary wad on imaginary gifts for the women of Team Minnesota '14. We don't have much imaginary cash left for the men of TM, so the gifts that they won't be receiving will be inexpensive ones.

1. MATTHEW PAYNE - As a Sludge Metal aficionado, we got head-banger Matt Fudge Tunnel's 1989 debut album (on vinyl) entitled "Hate Songs in E Minor," featuring our favorite FT tune, "Bed Crumbs." ($22.71 on Amazon)Mike-holmes.gif

2. MARCUS STROMBERG - Marcus is the Owner/Operator of Stromberg Built, LLC specializing in custom homes and remodeling. We therefore thought it would be cool to get him a paperback copy ($14.92 on Amazon) of Mike Holmes' "Make It Right: Expert Advice on Home Renovations" and an autographed glossy photo of Nicole Curtis. (Yes, the MTN Guys binge-watch HGTV shows.)

3. BROOKS GROSSINGER - We don't know Brooksie very well, but we like him a lot. We'll go traditional here, and get him a card and a fruitcake. Hopefully the fruitcake will have extra "green things." We don't know what they are, but a fruitcake isn't a fruitcake without the green things....

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Hoodie Pillows & Zebra Cakes...

plaid-pillow.gifED. This week we are recylcing some vintage posts. This Christmas post originally appeared on December 18, 2014.

The MTN Guys would like to buy every tri and du-athlete in Minnesota a new car. But we can't because we've spent most of our Christmas money on candy. Just know that if we could buy everyone some stuff, we totally would.

In years' past we have revealed the gifts that we'd like to get for Team Minnesota members. Here, in addition to the cars we won't be giving them, are some personal gifts from us that Team MN '14 will NOT be receiving. Ladies first:

1. HEATHER LENDWAY - Heather has done a lot of international traveling in her young life and will do a lot more in the coming years because she'll be a vagabond pro triathlete. Therefore, we want to give her an airplane neck pillow; you know, the kind that look like a padded toilet seat. Because she is a loyal Macalester alum, we'd like to get her a plaid...

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Six Most Common Triathlete Injuries...

proper-pillow-shoulder-pain.gifBy Dr. Michael Williams

Rotator Cuff Tendinitis (or potentially Tear) – inflammation due to microscopic muscles tears & stress

    • Workouts that are either too much or too hard, an imbalance in shoulder muscles, or poor stroke form
    • Signs & Symptoms
      • Pain may radiate down arm
      • Difficulty extending arm @ 90-degree angle
      • Arm weakness with lifting
      • Night pain
    • Treatment – unless your case is minor (PRICE), seek professional treatment as the healing process for this injury is slow due to the poor blood supply in the area
    • Prevention: avoid too much too fast & developed balanced shoulder strength...

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Bummers & Bounce-Backs...

SportJourney6hb-607x421.gifOr, how to rebound after a major bummer.

By Jesse Thomas (triathlon.competitor.com)

Shortly after I started racing professionally in 2011, I made a three-year commitment to 70.3 worlds, which extended to four years after breaking my foot in 2013. It was the No. 1 focus of my entire career. But due to bad luck, injuries and many, many mistakes, I still hadn’t had the breakout performance I knew I was capable of.

But in August of 2015, the stars aligned. The Ironman 70.3 World Championship course in Austria was perfectly suited to my strengths—there was a wetsuit swim, a super hilly bike and a two-lap run to Pacman people down. Most...

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