Bummers & Bounce-Backs...

SportJourney6hb-607x421.gifOr, how to rebound after a major bummer.

By Jesse Thomas (triathlon.competitor.com)

Shortly after I started racing professionally in 2011, I made a three-year commitment to 70.3 worlds, which extended to four years after breaking my foot in 2013. It was the No. 1 focus of my entire career. But due to bad luck, injuries and many, many mistakes, I still hadn’t had the breakout performance I knew I was capable of.

But in August of 2015, the stars aligned. The Ironman 70.3 World Championship course in Austria was perfectly suited to my strengths—there was a wetsuit swim, a super hilly bike and a two-lap run to Pacman people down. Most...

importantly, I was in the shape of my life, healthy, confident and perfectly positioned to have the race of my career.

I did all the work and made all the sacrifices. I trained my ass off, ate healthy, hit the gym and was lean and strong. I raced only four times that season, sacrificing income opportunities and sponsor exposure to be fresh and ready to go on Aug. 30. I spent extra money and time away from my family to fly over to Europe 10 days in advance. I asked for, and was given, a lot of time and support from my wife, son, family, Picky Bars employees and friends to help me do the things I needed to do.

You could say all my eggs were in one basket. This was my shot. Here we go.

Then, after a great swim and while having the ride of my life, I got a penalty. One which, to make a long story short, was later apologized for by officials. I was shocked, furious and destroyed. At the tent before T2, I stood breathing, sweating and crying for five minutes as I watched myself slide from fifth to 21st place.

Deflated, I finished with the little energy and motivation I had in 18th place, first American and five minutes out of the top 10. At the very least, I was proud of completing the race and proving to myself that I was capable of a great day. READ MORE

