
Soul Food & Newsy Stuff...

Bertram_Blast_Final_Small_thumb.pngBERTRAM BLAST - (ED. Apologies in advance for inflicting our inner hippie on our readers.)

After almost three decades of growth and prosperity, the sport of Triathlon peaked. Race directors didn't see this coming (2010-2011), however, and many new races were were added to the calendar at that time.

Here in Minnesota, almost 30 new events came into being during that period. The result of that (and other factors), of course, was the dramatic reduction in event attendance in the years that followed....

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Sick on Race Week?

sick_guy.pngBy Dr. Jordan Metzl (triathlon.competitor.com)

If you get sick during race week, don’t panic. Most illnesses are viral, last 48 to 72 hours, and will hopefully resolve by race day. I tell my athlete patients that a fever less than 101 degrees or any infection above the neck is safe to race with. There are times, however, when you must step away from the start line. When you’re really sick—with a temperature greater than 101, chills and weakness—racing can be dangerous....

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Fast & Memorable...

bridget_sd.pngED. Hey Everyone - Just got back from Chisago an am too pooped to write about the awesome racing that took place in Minnesota this weekend. Will write tomorrow and post on Tuesday. For now, here are some results links:  BERTAM BLAST & TOUGHMAN.

From SDTriNews.com

The Outland Challenge at Lake Cochrane featured some competitive and memorable talent along with the typical average-Joe, hard-working athletes this year on a sunny (but not hot) and breezy day this past Saturday.

(results are listed here)

David Thompson, the nicest male pro triathlete you’ll ever meet, defended his previous champion status well, winning the men’s sprint title while Bridget McCoy, the nicest female pro triathlete you’ll ever meet, won the women’s sprint title and also maintained her place as the queen of the Outland sprint for now. The real races in the sprint division were amongst the second and third place, where the uber-fit...

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Fluids Are Good...

Triathlete-Drinking-Water.pngBy Dr. Michael Williams

How Should I Hydrate to Increase Sports Performance?

Maintianing proper hydration levels is very important for many reasons. Drinking adequate fluids will help prevent overheating, aid in digestion as well as absorption of nutrients and removal of waste products, and prevent dehydration. Exercise elevates body temperature, and cooling the body becomes increasingly difficult when you are inadequately hydrated. Proper hydration also helps to prevent muscle injuries. You body does not have a...

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Restoring Happiness & Hunger...

bella_b.pngBy Mike Buenting (mikebuenting.wordpress.com)

As a coach, an athlete and a father of a competitive athlete you learn a lot about yourself and others and overcoming challenges and setbacks. You learn a lot about the human spirit and the human heart and will to fight and push limits.

The last year has been tough for both myself and for my daughter Bella. My 2015 season had some ups and downs and the start of 2016 at the Boston marathon went really wrong for me. Bella also had a really tough 2016 (spring) Track season running for Minnetonka High school team as an 8th grader.  (mostly Varsity meets, but sometimes JV) Bella never ran at her potential all season and just lacked happiness and a hunger. As for myself I had the hunger I just was not performing great and it was leaving my depressed and down.

So 2016 was going to be my year!! And summer of 2016 was going to be Bella’s return to Triathlon after setting out the 2015 season to focus on swim team and cross country....

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