
Gunning For Career Du Win #10...


OAKDALE DUATHLON PREVE  - We rescheduled (for Saturday) our regularly scheduled post --"El Rocketo. Unofficial Hemsworth Brother"--to bring you news about Saturday's Oakdale Duathlon. Uncle Randy has recently posted his registration list and we got exciting by what we saw. The men's field is especially strong. Here are the guys that we believe will be racing for podium spots:


- WADE CRUSER - Defending Oakdale champ who is coming off a course record win at Cinco Du Mayo Long Course, Wade's won three of the four dus he's done so far in his career and should have been a USAT DOY HM in 2016, in our humble opinion. Unless, Matt Payne decides to pop in, Cruser is our pick to win.

- JESSON BAUMGARTNER - Iowa transplant and 2012 US DOY, the year he won Duathlon Worlds in Ottawa, Jesson is coming off a win at the Falls Du. A 5000 PR of 14:10, Baumgartner should be a threat on Saturday. His best years were 2011 and 2012, though.

- KRIS SPOTH - He has little or no background in duathlon, but has the requisite skills. He's a fast runner and cyclist and a tenacious competitor. He will affect the outcome of Saturday's race....

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"My Mind Just Kinda Checked Out...Then"...


By Erin Klegstad (sweetsweatlife.com)

GET IN GEAR HALF RACE REPORT - And just like that, the 2017 race season has started. The Hot Dash 10 mile has been my season opener the past two years, but my legs weren’t quite race ready a month ago. So we switched it up and instead I raced Minnesota’s annual rite of spring: the Get in Gear half marathon. I was pretty stoked, too, because most of the course – river road along the Mississippi between Minneapolis and St. Paul – is my regular long run route and my absolute favorite place to run.....

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Catching Up With Michelle...

michelle_pastry.pngED. A few days ago we FB messaged Ironwoman MIchelle Andres to tell her we miss her, and to see what she is up to, and what she has planned for 2017. This was her reply. Enjoy.

Hi!!! What a treat to hear from you! I'm doing fantastic! Life is good. I've had a blog update on my to do list for a good 6 months now. I'm going to get around to posting one. I keep writing and I'm pretty sure I have a short novel by now. Currently, I'm just loving being a mom. It's hard to believe in just 3 years Lee and I will he empty nesters and then I'll be back rocking those masters age group races as best I can. This year my focus is on casual running races. I jumped into a marathon last weekend to get a good training run in and plan to do Fargo in a few weeks. I'm just looking to secure a spot for Boston next year. I did get a good enough time on my training run so I considered bailing on Fargo, but then the voice of IM, Mike Reilly, is announcing so I might as well go for it and get my free sweatshirt.

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Duathlon Month...


May is Duathlon Month in Minnesota. Five great races. Okay, we're fudging a little. The first du--FALLS--is actually on April 29.

Two of the five--FALLS and CINCO DU MAYO--have been contested. Next up is Saturday's OAKDALE DUATHLON at Lake Elmo Park Reserve, followed the next Saturday by the GEAR WEST DU. And the Saturday after that is APPLE....

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Cruser Crushes at Cinco....

CarrieHinners3rd.pngCINCO DU MAYO - WADE CRUSER kicked off his 2017 multisport season with a race record victory at Cinco Long Course. His 1:20:48 over the hilly 3-20-3 route lowered SAM JANICKI's 2011 CR by an impressive 1:02.

For Cruser, winner of the Most Improved award in 2016, the W was the 7th of his career. He was pushed on Saturday by 2013 and 2015 Cinco champ BRIAN SAMES, who after spending 2016 in the Chicago area, appears to have returned to Minnesota. We hope the three-time Team Minnesota member is back to stay.

ANDY ZABEL, CHRIS TATTON and JUSTIN CUMMINS rounded out the formidable men's Top 5.

Due to some scoring questions, we are unable to comment on the women's long course race.

In the short course race, STEVE STENZEL not only picked up his third win here, he did so in his fastest time yet. He covered the 2-10-2...

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