Catching Up With Michelle...

michelle_pastry.pngED. A few days ago we FB messaged Ironwoman MIchelle Andres to tell her we miss her, and to see what she is up to, and what she has planned for 2017. This was her reply. Enjoy.

Hi!!! What a treat to hear from you! I'm doing fantastic! Life is good. I've had a blog update on my to do list for a good 6 months now. I'm going to get around to posting one. I keep writing and I'm pretty sure I have a short novel by now. Currently, I'm just loving being a mom. It's hard to believe in just 3 years Lee and I will he empty nesters and then I'll be back rocking those masters age group races as best I can. This year my focus is on casual running races. I jumped into a marathon last weekend to get a good training run in and plan to do Fargo in a few weeks. I'm just looking to secure a spot for Boston next year. I did get a good enough time on my training run so I considered bailing on Fargo, but then the voice of IM, Mike Reilly, is announcing so I might as well go for it and get my free sweatshirt.


I'm working on getting my CorePower yoga certification and started teaching classes again.  So that sure has been rewarding for me and a new challenge which I love.

I'll do the Voyager 50 miler this summer if we have an open weekend and then run the TC marathon in October. Lee and I just got some inline skates and plan to do a few races this summer on our blades.

Thanks for asking.... Take care, Michelle:)

PS. I sold my tribike before I even raced on it in Kona or knowing me I would be doing Mont-Tremblant come August. Seriously, I'm not kidding. I love the sport so much, but the way I like to train and race and the way I want to be a mom right now don't go together. Sport will always be there, but my boys won't. Late night camp fires, baking chocolate chip cookies, traveling, and just being around as much as I can win everyday right now.
