
Kids Rock in Detroit Lakes...




YOUNG LIFE SPRINT - A pair of likely Junior of the Year nominees rocked at Saturday's Young Life Sprint in Detroit Lakes.

For the boys, 16-year-old CARTER DEICHMAN of Mankato (photo), placed 2nd overall just 34-seconds behind winner THOMAS LOEGERING of West Fargo. Loegering races frequently and successfully on the right side of the Red River, but this, we  believe, was his first Minnesota win. His time --1:03:39--was 3:28 faster than his 2nd place clocking here in 2016.

For Deichman, it was his best overall placing in an adult tri, and it came on the heels of a 4th place finish (1st Junior) at North Mankato. His 2017 resume also includes AG wins at Falls Duathlon, Heart of the Lakes and Chisago Sprint.

Nice career trajectory, right?

Winning for the women was 17-year-old TAYLOR LUNDQUIST of Maple Grove. Not only did she win, probably in Junior record time (1:06:52), she placed 4th overall in a 230-finisher field. Taylor is the only Minnesota teen to have won more than one adult tri this...

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Hurley Hammers...



YOUNG LIFE TRIATHLON - OLYMPIC - We sure hope that Montana State runner KEEGHAN HURLEY decides to race in at least one more non-DL multisport event this season. (As part of USAT's Collegiate Recruitment Program, Hurley had competed in four DL races in Australia, where he acquired a new pet - Photo.) Why? Because then he'd be eligible for a Rookie of the Year nomination. And if he does race, and his result is similar to what he had done in his first two tris, he could actually win the award.

This guy is impressive!

So, here's what the 21-year-old from tiny Dent, MN, has done in his first two non-drafting races this season: He  blew the doors off the competition, arguably the event's deepest men's  field in the history of the event, at Hoot Lake, then turned in a Sean Cooley-esque effort yesterday at Young Life, his 1:58:43 was 9:06 faster than BRANDEN SCHEEL's runner-up clocking. Scheel is enjoying a breakout season, and was our pick to win.

Hurley was a late registrant.

Unsurprisingly, DAVID LEWIS filled out the men's podium. 

Another late registrant, SARA CARLSON, won the women's Olympic race. Her margin of victory over runner-up JOELLEN KOHLMAN-PETRICK, who like Hurley, rocked socks at Hoot Lake, where she finished just twenty seconds out of first place, was 1:05. (FYI - Kohlman-Petrick won at Average Joe in June.)...

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Flat Coke & Bloody Shoes....



By Sara Carlson (sarastrilife.blogspot.com)


Chisago Half IM Race Report - After finishing the Fargo Marathon in May, I struggled with finding my mojo for Triathlon training again. My brain seemed to tell me, “hey, you met your main goal for the year in qualifying for Boston  (like 7 minutes faster than my marathon goal time with a 3:23!), take it easy. So, I had a few key sessions that I slept through or least placed a little lower on the priority list than I should have. I really enjoyed the simplicity of just training my run game over the winter and am looking forward to it again this winter. After a good long off-season, that is!


So, for this race, my husband and our youngest 2 kiddos made our way down to the cities on Saturday. We got my packet picked up, checked in to our hotel in Forest Lake and got out and enjoyed some good old-fashioned fun together. The kids had some fun in the pool, we took in a round of mini golf in Taylors Falls & then caught the tail end of a parade in Center City while we ate (@ the Pizza Pub-yummy!). I love it when we get the chance to take in some playtime on race weekend!


Toughman Chisago 70.3 race report:  ...

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Uncancelled Races & Love For Ed Sheeran...



WINGMAN TRIATHLON - We were told many months ago that the 9th edition, and all editions thereafter, of this event was not going to happen. Imagine our surprise when we learned that forty-six athletes finished this year's non-existent race.

Wingman has to be the best-attended cancelled race ever!

Actually, we simply didn't get the memo when the decision was made to reinstate the event. We're glad that it didn't go away, just as we were happy to learn that Uncle Randy's races--Oakdale Du, New Bri, Square Lake--are not going away. The folks from TriFitness will be producing them. Even better, good 'ol Uncle Randy will probably be timing those races, so his smile and good will will still light up the local multi scene.

Back to Wingman.

Sunday's sprint race was won by Division III track and cross country runner JULIAN MANLEY, 22, from Spring Valley, WI. To do so, he had to outrun teen runner-up ABRAHAM EIDE, who we think is the twin brother of the guy who placed 3rd here in 2016. ...

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Doubled Attendance & No Cooley...



YOUNG LIFE TRIATHLON PREVIEW – There are signs, subtle though they may be, that triathlon attendance, which has shrunk significantly since 2011, has begun an upswing.

A great example of this is the Young Life Triathlon in Detroit Lakes, the 14th edition of which will happen this weekend. For the last few years, the event, which features both Sprint and Olympic-distance races, has averaged approximately 200 finishers.


This season's YL races should have more than twice that many finishers. The registration list that the race director, a cool guy named JASON LONEY, shared with us had almost 400 names on it, and the races could grow by as many as fifty more participants by race time.


This makes us very happy....

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