
2017 Race of the Year Finalists...














2017 MINNESOTA MULTISPORT AWARDS - Voting for TRIATHLETES CHOICE RACE OF THE YEAR has concluded. The finalists were determined by "Percent of Participation" results. For instance, if a race with 500 race day entrants, including each relay member, receives 50 votes, then that event was supported by 10% of its entrants. A race with 1500 entrants would need to receive at least 151 votes (10.1%) in order beat the smaller race, etc.

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Wade, Diane, Brian , Sames, Kris & Dani...


Photo (L-R) - Oakdale men's podium: Kris Spoth, Brian Sames, Jordan Roby.


2017 MINNESOTA MULTISPORT AWARDS - Here, in alpha order, are the five officlal nominees for Minnesota DUATHLETE OF THE YEAR:


- WADE CRUSER, 30, Sauk Rapids 

Wade's 2017 resume featured two wins--Cinco Du Mayo and Apple--one CR (Cinco) and a 3rd place overall at Duathlon Nationals.


- DIANE HANKEE, 40, Lino Lakes

Diane beat a stellar  field at Gear West, then placed 3rd behind Vsetecka and Grinaker at Apple.


- BRIAN SAMES, 31, Shakopee

Brian won the Oakdale Duathlon and placed 2nd behind Cruser at Cinco Du Mayo Long Course....

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So Much More Than Data.......



By Erin Ladendorf (bikesandcatsrightmeow.blogspot.com)


How do you put into words the best feeling you've ever had in your life?

IRONMAN WISCONSIN RACE REPORT - It's been 4 weeks since Ironman Madison, and I am still struggling to find the words that can accurately describe those 13 hours of my life. Sure, I could go through my whole race report and tell you how nervous I was, or how my pacing turned out, or even what happened with my nutrition plan, but those were just pebbles in the gravel on a giant mountain of a day. Don't worry, I will still go over that, but I think Ironman recaps are so much more than a data recap. They are a chance to analyze and interpret all the ups and downs and emotions that a race can bring.

Let's go back to 5 years ago. When I was a pack a day smoker. When I worked in a nightclub and spent my days sleeping until 4, only to wake up, get ready, and go get a beer and shot of Jameson before my shift at 10 pm that night. It was a vicious cycle, but it was all I knew. After spending 12 years in the service industry, drinking and sleeping were the two things that were just part of the deal. But about 4 years ago I made the shift into a healthier lifestyle, which included quitting smoking and eventually becoming sober.

And now my life is full of early morning swimming, long bike rides on the weekends and running at every chance I can get. I have also surrounded myself with a crew of people who have similar goals and aspirations, and I must say, life is great. I feel more mentally strong than I ever have before, and the physical transformation was a happy byproduct of this change. Which brings me to where I am today.

This time last year I decided I wanted to do something that most people would never dream of doing. I wanted to complete 140.6 miles in under 17 hours. Call me crazy, but that sounds like one hell of a dream. ...

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"Suddenly, That Was The Only Thing That Matters"...



By Kristina Swenson (kristinaswenson.wixite.com)


ROTTERDAM ITU WORLDS RACE REPORT - To most of the world, these are simply three colors. To Americans, these are three colors that represent life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. They decorate our flag poles, museums, and historic places. These colors are worn at sporting events, Independence Day parties, and homecoming dress up days. These colors are shot into the sky as fireworks, printed on shirts and shorts, and painted on chests and faces. They are worn proudly by athletes competing at the Olympic Games. They are represented by our military, our police officers, and our government. Wearing them always seems like a special occasion and an honor.


Only the best of the best get to compete in them. And somehow, I was one of the lucky few. Triathlon is one of only a few sports that allows amateur athletes to wear the red, white, and blue.

On September 17th, I competed on Team USA in the International Triathlon Union (ITU) World Triathlon Grand Final in Rotterdam, Netherlands. This race is perhaps the biggest stage an amateur athlete can compete on for sprint and olympic distance triathlon. Tens of thousands of people from 78 different countries traveled to the industrial city to leave their best out there and fight. This isn't just any old race. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to race against the best competitors in your sport in your age group in the entire world....

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Race Records & Heather's Legacy....



Do you know how many multisport Race Records were set in Minnesota events in 2017? We didn't either, so we scoured the results and found that at least 12 RRs were recorded last season.* Here's what we found:

2017 Race Records:

  • Central Lakes Cyclery Duathlon – Jason Toth – 1:32:32 (Prior RR – 1:35:37)

  • Superior Man Half IM – Matt Cymanski (IA) – 4:01:40 (Prior RR – 4:04:21)

  • Superior Man 41.5 – Andy Wiberg – 2:16:53 (Prior RR – 2:23:24)

  • Brewhouse Sprint – Mike Ward – 59:41 (Ties Prior RR – 59:41)

  • Graniteman Big Lake Olympic – Kortney Haag – 2:13:09 (Prior RR – 2:16:48)

  • Buzz Ryan Sprint – Elaine Nelson - 53:16 (Prior RR – 53:21)

  • Bertram Blast Tri – Jon Balabuck (CAN) – 57:27 (Prior RR – 1:01:52)

  • Bertram Blast Tri – Emily Muellner – 1:08:17 (prior RR – 1:12:36)

  • Bertram Blast Du – Dane Ramsey – 55:42 (Prior RR – 59:24)

  • Graniteman Clearwater Olympic – Kortney Haag – 2:24:40 (Prior RR – 2:28:26)

  • Buffalo Sprint – Andy Wiberg – 56:44 (Prior RR – 57:06)

  • Cinco Du Mayo Long Course – Wade Cruser – 1:20:48 (Prior RR – 1:21:50) ....

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