
Nexts in Line...Part I...



In a recent conversation, a triathlete asked us why there weren't any 45-49 women nominated in the Master of the Year category. Though we were able to give her a plausible explanation, in hindsight, we wished that we had added a 45-49 nominee.

We argued that Hankee and Myers, both 40-44ers, were slam dunk nominees, as were 50-54s Weisbecker and Kippenhan. We stand by these picks.

She then asked us who was the next in line for a nomination. Great question. Not only did we give her an answer--Jody Quesnell--we decided to create a post highlighting the "next-in-liners" for MMA nominations.


- Junior of the Year - MACY IYER, 13, Edina - Macy is going to be a star. We're convinced of this. Had she had one more great effort in 2017, she would have been nominated. Also, she is one several young female triathletes (under 16) who appear destined for greatness. That list includes Bella Buenting and Simone Lundquist


- Grand Master - MIKE FLYNN, 67, Elk River - Mike had an awesome season, featuring divisional wins at Maple Grove Sprint, Heart of the Lakes, Trinona Sprint and Oakdale Du, but two other men from his AG--perennial GMOY nominee Neil KIng, and Spike Millslagle, who set three AG records--were slam dunk selections. Because of this, if the Committee had chosen a fifth nominee, it would likely have been HELEN GUNTHER, 60, of Excelsior....

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2017 MMA Nominees...Complete List...


Photo - Gaby Bunten is nominated in three categories this year.

2017 MINNESOTA MULTISPORT AWARDS - Here are all of the 2017 MMA nominees:


  • ROOKIE – 1. Jake Braam, 2. Keeghan Hurley, 3. Emily Muellner

  • JUNIOR – 1. Anders Broman, 2. Carter Deichman, 3. Taylor Lundquist, 4. Garrett Welsch

  • GRAND MASTER – 1. Jan Guenther, 2. Neil King, 3. Daniel Kirk, 4. Pam Stevens

  • MASTER – WOMEN – 1. Diane Hankee, 2. Christel Kippenhan, 3. Andrea Myers, 4. Julia Weisbecker

  • MASTER – MEN – 1. Brooks Grossinger, 2. David Holden,3. Matthew Payne, 4. Chris Tatton

  • MOST IMPROVED – WOMEN – 1. Gaby Bunten, 2. Nicole Heininger, 3. Kelly Trom, 4. Maggie Weiss

  • MOST IMPROVED – MEN – 1.Joe Adrieans, 2. Nathan Ansbaugh, 3.  Jordan Roby, 4. Andy Wiberg

  • DUATHLETE – 1. Wade Cruser, 2. Brian Sames, 3. Kris Spoth, 4. Dani Vsetecka ...


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Long Distance AOY Nominees....



2017 MINNESOTA MULTISPORT AWARDS - The LONG DISTANCE ATHLETE OF THE YEAR AWARD (LDAOY) was inaugurated in 2014. A coed category, nominees must have turned in a least TWO outstanding efforts during the season at races that are 70.3 or longer.

In '14, the winner was Matthew Payne, who won three long distance races: Liberty (4:02:46 - CR), Pigman (4:13) and Leadman Bend (OR) 125 (4:07:57 - CR).

In 2015, the LDAOY was won by Dani Vsetecka, who's long course resume featured wins @ Door Country Half IM and Pigman. 

Last year, Diane Hankee won the award, albeit narrowly, over Erin Farrens. Diane raced in FIVE halves, winning one (LIberty) and podiuming at Muncie (2nd - 4:38:51) and Steelhead (3rd - 4:41).


Who will be the recipient of the 2017 LDAOY? Here are the nominees and their long course highlights:


- NATHAN ANSBAUGH, 30, Minneapolis

2nd @ LIberty Half

5th @ Superior Man - 4:15:17 ...

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Hodgy Podgy Stuff....



Fall in Minnesota, AKA off season. Plus some mini race recaps! 


By Julia Weisbecker (julia-gobiggreen.blogspot.com)


I had a dream last night that it snowed. So if i were to end this blog post in just a few sentences it would read " FALL in MN: we think every day over 60 is the last and we wait for snow. Goodbye." 


When in reality that isn't true its in the back of our heads.  


The leaves are at peak, a bit late, and its cold in the AM and recently gotten into the high 60's and lower 70's for about 1 hour 4-5pm:) I am not quite used to the 35 deg in the AM, but we always say that in a month or two you will wish it was that warm in the AM. So it goes. ..

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Time to Set Higher Goals...


ED. Maddy grew up in St. Cloud, and since leaving the state to attend Grinnell College she has developed into one of America's top amateur triathletes. Next year, she'll race as a professional.


By Maddy Pesch (peschmaddy.wordpress.com)


ROTTERDAM WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS RACE EPORT - I have been back from the Netherlands for a month now, and I’ve been busy reflecting on my experience there, planning for 2018, and settling into my new jobs working in the fitness and triathlon industries in Madison!

So many of my experiences this season were once-in-a-lifetime opportunities, but Rotterdam was the greatest of those. It is an incredible privilege to compete internationally, and I wanted to let every moment sink in and make the most of it. My trip would not have been possible without the support of all of my family and friends who believed in me and contributed to my Go Fund Me campaign to help me afford the trip.

My partner, Ben, traveled with me to the Netherlands. We began our trip with four nights in Amsterdam, visiting places such as the Anne Frank house, the Rijksmuseum, and the Van Gogh Museum in between my training sessions. We traveled to Rotterdam a few days before the race, and I continued my race prep by familiarizing myself with the course, despite...

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