
2018 Lake Waconia Stuff...


LAKE WACONIA TRIATHLON - The 29th edition of this annual classic will happen next Sunday, and while it has long been one of our state's most competitive triathlons, it is also one of the most fun. This means that recreational multisporters need not be intimidated. Those who have never done this event should come and see what all the fuss is about. They'll be glad they did....

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All the "Feels"...


By Nikki Dostert Sudberry


TRINONA - It’s 9:30 PM the night before our race. We had a big dilemma; do we get Domino’s delivered to the hotel or Ground Round?

We decided that having burgers and wraps would go better with our Coors. Ground Round it is!!

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Silver Lining...


By Marc Sontowski


Minnetonka Triathlon Race Report

I was incredibly stoked for this race. The start was 4 miles from where I live, the bike is in my back yard, I have ridden the route numerous times, not even realizing it was the race course. Needless to say, I could probably do the bike course blindfolded if I had faith in people driving automobiles. Not saying I would do well, but It would have just felt like a day out on the bike and fun funfun.

Anyway, show up, setup, and wait to see if the swim is a go or not. We had what some may call less than optimal race weather.I am not a fan of Du’s so when I heard the swim was a go it felt like Christmas morning. Fist pumps, cheers, and clapping by the masses when we found out they were going to let us swim. 

Waiting for our wave (30-39 male) to start, there were a few cracks of thunder, and all of us at the beach were thinking, “just let us go”. We are off and it’s into a nice rainy swim. They said there would be a chance they would pull us out of the water if the weather got bad enough, I was thinking to myself during the swim “not sure how I would know they are trying to pull me out, unless they hit me with a paddle or I ran into the boat?” ...

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"It was the right call"....


Yesterday's LAKE MINNETONKA TRIATHLON almost happened. But torrential rains, and persistent lightning in the immediate area, forced the mid-event cancellation. Five swim waves were launched before the devious storm, that on radar, was supposed to pass to the south of the venue, changed course. Only those in the first wave (Elite), and perhaps a few from wave #2 were able to mount up and ride out of T1 before the Powers that Be (law enforcement, race management and probably some insurance guys) decided to pull the plug.

"It was the right call," said participant/totally nice guy PETER LAWYER, 56, from Naples, Florida, adding , "I stating the obvious here."

Yes he was.

Naturally, people were bummed. The fifteen year old event is, after all, a true annual classic.

The most bummed out person there was race founder / director ROSS ROGNEY. The LMT is a true labor of love. Ross loves triathlon and capital-S sport, in general. He also adores Excelsior, his hometown, and relishes the opportunity to show it off. In case you didn't know, Ross lives in the house he grew up in....

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Staring Out Over the Edge...



By Erin Ladendorf (bikesandcatsrightmeow.blogspot.com)


And just like that, it's race season again.

I thought I had all the time in the world to get race ready. But, just like every year, the first race of the season has crept up and surprised me again. This Saturday I will be racing at Apple Duathlon along with some of the best talent in the state. And I am not sure if I can confidently say that I am ready.

While last year was my Ironman year, this season is a complete 180 from what I was training to do last year.

My workouts have been short. They have been aggressive. And they have pushed me to the edge more times than I can count. But the edge this year has been so different for me. While last year it was about tackling distances I have never fathomed, this year it has been about hitting speeds and times that I didn't think I was capable of.

Another key difference is that this year I have decided to take the pressure off of myself. While my race season goals this year are monumental, my focus is to keep my head clear of the unnecessary pressure that I always seem to place on each race....

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