
June 2018 Athletes of the Month...





June was beset by yucky weather and the unfortunate cancellations of great races like Buffalo, Lake Minnetonka and RochesterFest. This made it difficult for athletes to post at least two outstanding efforts during this 30-day period, which is what is necessary for AOM consideration. Many athletes--Sean Cooley, Hanna Grinaker, Matt Payne, Christina Roberts, Becky Youngberg etc. had one truly elite-level effort--and probably would have had more if lightning and cancellations weren't part of the deal.

Still, some managed to fulfill the criteria, thus here are MTN's Athletes of the Month for June, 2018: ...

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Scheel and Myers Keep Winning...


PERHAM TRIATHLON COVERAGE - Our prediction that Fargo's BRANDEN SCHEEL would not only win the 15th annual Perham Triathlon this morning, but do so in record time, was correct. 

But is was not correct enough, for which we apologize. In our preview, we wrote “we think that Scheel will crack 59-minutes, perhaps a 58:45.”

On that mild, but thick, northland Saturday morning, Branden popped an extraordinary 58:22! He did so by outrunning the next fastest runner by almost 40-seconds per mile, and doing so after crushing the bike leg. His pace was over a one mph faster than the next fastest rider. The ultimate result was a 6:11 margin of victory over runner-up and close amigo, COREY NYGAARD.

Corey also placed 2ndbehind his bud at Chain of Lakes last May.

The Minnesota Multisport Awards committee includes border-state athletes whose resumes feature at least three outstanding efforts on Minnesota soil in its annual deliberations. Scheel has already raced twice this season on the east side of the Red River, both times producing runaway wins and new course records. He needs only one more great performance in Minnesota, probably at Young Life in Detroit Lakes, though we hope he will race here several more times this year.

Thus far in 2018, Branden has three record-setting multisport wins in four starts. The non-winning performance produced a 2ndat Chattanooga 70.3, a national race. The MMA Committee is watching him closely, thinking that a Most Improved nomination and a spot on Team Minnesota may be in his future....

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Madison Delivers...



By Emma Adriaens (triad.tradrieans.com)


Early June now marks 70.3 Wisconsin, and I was pumped to be able to race again this year. Coming into the race this year, I was looking forward to being able to toe the line with the plan to execute all three legs of the race. Instead of only the swim and the bike like last year due to some refurbishing (hip surgery). This year I was tuned up and ready  to race! Friday before the race we loaded up the truck with everything we would need for racing and training purposes - including pre-made food a'la Chef Joe, because you never do anything new before race day.

Friday marked the usual road trip antics - coffee, snacks, snacks, and more snacks.

We rolled into Ironman Village immediately upon arrival in Madison. Priorities people!

I checked in, found my best friend's hubby to drag him through all the pre-race rituals because it was his first half Ironman, found my spot in transition, and thanked every volunteer that crossed my path. Let's be real, these races don't happen with out the amazing organization of some stellar volunteers. Whether it's the full Ironman or the half Ironman - you can bet your bottom dollar that Madison, Wisconsin is going to deliver...

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Perham Records in Jeopardy....


15th PERHAM TRIATHLON - Known as the Average Jo Triathlon for it's first fourteen editions, this event has been renamed for its host community. It is now the Perham Tri.

If you've never been to Perham, we suggest you check it out. It is a very pleasant town with a population of about 3500.

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Becky is Back!



LAKE WACONIA TRIATHLON - BECKY YOUNGBERG (photo L) had not raced in a multisport event since September 2011. When she appeared at Lake Waconia last Sunday, the question on the minds of some, certainly ours, was "how close to her former self would she perform." She had won the LWT in 2011 in the solid time of 1:35:37. We recall that race.

What an exciting competition that was. HEIDI KELLER MILER led through the first two phases. Becky was next, just over a minute back. In her rearview mirror was MICHELLE ANDRES, only a dozen seconds behind. To win, Becky needed to overtake HKM while holding off Andres. She did those things, and when the dust cleared, the podium was: 1. YOUNGBERG - 1:35:37, 2. ANDRES - 1:35:46, 3. KELLER MILER 1:35:54.

Could Becky match her 2011 time at LWT '18? Tall order, right? This is her first race back after a seven-year layoff. She's bound to have some rust. And she was 37 back then; she's 43 now.

And where would a 1:35 land her in the standings? It would have placed her 6th in 2016, 4th in 2015, 2nd in 2014 and 2013.

In the end, the new Youngberg did not race like the old Youndberg, the woman who had amassed at least 36 multisport wins in her pre-hiatus years. She raced better, which is to say, faster. ...

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