Race Previews

Green Lights!


Thgreenlakeart.pngis is the post we have been wanting to write for months. Minnesota will have a 2020 outdoor racing season after all. Several great events, all slated for August, have the approvals they need to take place.

This is great news for tri-optimists who have been training diligently during the pandemic and are ready to rock n roll.

And because the first of the un-cancelled events isn't until August 1, those who have let their training lag have time to get themselves race-ready.

Here are the August races that we know are confirmed:


GRANITEMAN BIG LAKE TRIATHLON – Big Lake, MN - August 1, 2020 - 

Offering both sprint and olympic distances, you will swim in the clean and clear waters of Big Lake, ride one of the flattest and fastest bike rides in the state, and enjoy a lakeside run that starts and finishes in the park....

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Major Triathlons Cancelled or Postponed...


ED. Planning to do some high-profile national or international races this summer? If so, check the listing below to see if those events are going to happen.

By Triathlete.com Editors

The worldwide spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus) is leading to cancelations of all kinds of large events, including most races planned in the near future. Here's our ongoing list...

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Hanna and Patrick...



Female POY Nominees: 

HANNA GRINAKER - 2nd US amateur @ Hawaii Ironman World Championships - 9:55:57 

HANNA GRINAKER - Win @ Buffalo Olympic - Course Record - 2:06:57

DANI VSETECKA - Win @ Texas 70.3 - 4:23:56 (fastest women's 70.3 time in 2019)

CATHY YNDESTAD - Win--her 8th!--@ Minneapolis Olympic - Course Record - 2:05:33


WINNER - HANNA GRINAKER's 2nd US amateur @ Kona - 9:55:57

Though Hanna received all five 1st place votes here, there were strong arguments for all the performances, plus a few of Becky Youngberg's, as well. In the end, it was 
Ironman's "Super Bowl" mystique that prevailed here.

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"I'm Fine"....


By Hanna Grinaker(thefitspace.com)

I was chatting with a friend of mine a couple weeks back about my nerves leading into Kona. As a coach, he offered some invaluable advice--"Why don't you write yourself a letter?" He suggested I start to question what I would tell myself to do when negative thoughts start to intrude (cause they almost always do for everyone), and how I would coach myself to respond. In thinking of myself as the athlete I was coaching, rather than just the voice inside my own mind, I became more compassionate, calm and clear, giving me the peace and reassurance I know I needed. 

Dear Hanna, 

You've made it! It's the Ironman World Championships. An event you have looked forward to for over an entire year. That's a long time to be focused on something. I know you're nervous. How could you not be for something you have put so much of your time, energy and resources into? I also know you are worried. You are anxious. You are worried about feeling dizzy (sometimes this has happened to you and we haven't figured out why). You are worried about getting body slammed in the swim and losing your focus. You are worried about mechanical issues and wind on the bike, and finally, you are worried about staying focused and consistent (and not fading too badly) on the run, or even not finishing for that matter. With a 9 and a half hour day in front of you, these concerns are valid, but giving them weight and energy doesn't help you either. ....

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2019 Most Improved Men....


MINNESOTA MULTISPORT HONORS - There are several guys who have yet to earn a spot on Team Minnesota, but are vying for spots this year. We suspect that two or more of the guys we are profiling here will make the 2019 Team, but only one of the them will receive the "MOST IMPROVED" designation.

Four men from the following list will receive official MI nominations. Here, in alpha order, are those men and their 2019 racing highlights:


JACOB KEEHAN, 30, Maple Grove

2019 Highlights:

3rd @ Gear West Duathlon

4th @ Minneapolis Triathlon

5th @ Lake Minnetonka

11th amateur @ Ironman Wisconsin - 9:33:07

COMMENT: What impressed us most about Jacob was his race selection. He chose our region's most competitive races, and raced admirably against established elites.

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Triathletes Need to Eat A LOT!


By Hanna Grinaker (thefitspace.com)

As a dietitian, and triathlete, I get asked what I eat in a day, A LOT. I think most people assume that because I went to school for nutrition and am highly active, I must eat perfectly. I wish I could say that were the truth but it is most definitely not. Like anyone, I can sometimes eat too much (or not enough), choose the wrong snacks at the wrong time (that don’t energize and/or satiate me), and forget to drink water. And believe me, I have done all of these, and I will do them again. And again. However, I can’t get away with these seemingly small mistakes as much as I used to. Now, if I am not fueled well or hydrated enough, my workouts suffer massively. And when I am asking my body to show up for me day after day, I can’t afford to get behind.

Even after a solid 20+ year athletic career, I am still learning what works best for me. As a former runner, I remember very clearly focusing on what I could remove from my diet, rather than add, to get faster. Leanness was the goal. I didn’t strive for thinness for the sake of vanity, although there might have been some of that, but I thought you had to be thin to be fast. That belief created some pretty negative eating...

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