Race Previews

Santa, Rudolph, Scooby Do & Viking Speedo Guy...

scoobyReindeer Run Stuff - We planned to post a Reindeer Run press release here, but we couldn't open the file that Mare ("Mare" is Marilyn Franzen, the totally wonderful founder and director of the RR) sent us. We didn't have the correct program or something. It's a technical computer deal. So, we filched the Race Info page from RR's website. Check it out. If you're already registered, then reading this stuff will further enhance the giddy excitement and wet-your-pants anticipation you already feel. If you're not registered, then this info should instill within you a genuine burning NEED to sign-up at your earliest opportunity. It's totally true. This is the event that put the "Fun" in Fun Run.

When & Where

Saturday, December 4, 2010 at Lake Harriet in Southwest Minneapolis (Google Maps Map & Directions). Race day registration, pre-registered race # pick-up, tee shirts with the race start and finish located near the band shell on the...

Northwest side of the lake. The event begins at 9:10 a.m.with the Kids K (1 kilometer) for kids 8 & under. For all ages running the 5K the start is at 9:30 a.m. with Santa's hearty "Ho Ho Ho...GO".
