Race Previews

Keeping Her Mojo Going...

jennyMTN asked Jenny Wilcox to comment on her goals and prep for this weekend's Ironman Arizona. She sent us these words:

By Jenny Wilcox

Finishing the tri season here in MN in September was a great ending, to a new beginning. I knew I had a lot of work ahead of me going into the fall season. Days were shorter and cooler, but thankfully we had a such a nice fall for Ironman training.

Deep down it was hard to keep my mojo going when I knew almost all of my friends were finished with their seasons, sometimes wishing I was done too. However, I kept going and trained hard with several long bricks and a few centuries mixed in. It was a balance of time between training, family and my job which had just went full time and was the busiest month of my life! October was a complete blur, between long days of training,..

kids and work, I felt like I could roll over and die at the end of each day I shit blockswas so exhausted. Now, in my last week of the taper I am feeling rested and starting to try and think about the race, a little. My coach Teresa told me to start visualizing the race, but my mind is like a blender thinking of packing lunches, meetings for work, and did I buy enough Shot Blocks for the race? I have not had more than a moment to think about the race yet. We leave Thursday morning, my husband and cheerleader Jesse will be accompanying me alongside with my Dad and Coach Teresa Brenneke will also be coming. So hoping once I am there, the reality of the race will set in and I will have time to visualize by the pool.
