Race Previews

Too Legit to Quit...


It wasn't that long ago that Minnesota was one of America's premier duathlon states. Though those races were reserved, with a few exceptions, for May and September when triathlon lakes were either too cool (May) or had begun the process of cooling (September), they were abundant. Just ten years ago, there were at least thirteen scheduled dus in our state, not bad for an eight-week period....

In case you don't believe it, here is a listing of our state's dus in 2014:

Falls Duathlon (April) - Cinco Du Mayo Short & Long (May) - Take the Hill Du (May) - Oakdale Du (May) - Central Lakes Du (May) - Land Between the Lakes Du (May) - Gear West Du (May) - Apple Du (May) - Minneapolis Du (Aug.) - Harvest Du (Aug.) - Fall Classic Du (Sept.) - Treadman Du (Sept.) - Cascade Falls Du (Sept.)

Several of these events had three-hundred or more particiants. One had 924 finishers. And a few were nationally prestigious, especially the Apple Duathlon, which had hosted national championships and national and world champs qualifiers. Apple is the longest-running du in our country and is entering it's fifth decade this season.

But it's future is uncertain. Minnesota has become a "Tri" state, and dus are now few with shrunken attendance numbers. Still, there are those that aren't ready to give up on the sport, and especially Apple.

However, organizers have a plan to keep the Apple on the schedule. This year, an indoor triathlon has been added to the Apple festivities allowing the die-hard du-ers to get their fix, while overall numbers will be bolstered by the addition of the tri. This will hopefully return the event to financial viability and thereby keep it on the calendar.

So, do yourself, and Apple, a favor by supporting this event on May 19. Out state has had to say goodbye to too many great races that have left the calendar during the post-pandemic years. 

