Race Coverage

"I Did Everything I Could With the Cards I was Dealt"...


By Micah Warning

Ironman 70.3 Michigan recap - Place 14/ 1600 ( amateur) if you want to include the pros I placed 49th. Was this top 3? No, but I’m not walking away with my tail tucked.

Going into this race I sadly wasn’t 100% on Wednesday. I had to cut my running workout short due to some extreme muscle soreness in my left hamstring when I was already experiencing the same tightness/ pain in my right.

I wasn’t going to drop from this race so going into it I knew this race was gonna hurt more than usual.

Swim: 27:35

So 1:26 per 100, which is a pr for me! When I came out of the water it was the best I have ever felt. I definitely held myself back for sure. But it was my second time at this distance so I can’t beat myself up too much! ...

Bike: 2hr 15min

 24.7 mph, another personal record for me! By over 9 minutes. This is another one where I know I can go another 1 mph faster but this was a huge step in the right direction.

Run: 1:27, 6:39 avg

After my abysmal run in my last Ironman I was scared for this portion of the race. As I ran into transition I was told I was only 2:00 from 2nd and 3rd place. This got me excited and maybe a little too excited. I went against my race plan which was supposed to be go slow for the first 3 miles and THEN pick it up. Instead my first 3 miles were my fastest. A combination of that and my hamstrings just not 100% made for a brutal 2nd half of my 13 miles.

Race conclusion:

I dropped 15 minutes from my last half so I can’t be mad. I did everything I could with the cards I was dealt.

My season has come to a close. It’s time to get my body healthy and get my legs feeling 100% so I can start my buildup into 2025. This has been a long bumpy road, but regardless I’m still going to chase my dreams.
