Race Coverage

Insane Splits & New Names...


2024 Maitou Triathlon Coverage - MARCUS DUVAL's swim and bike splits at Manitou Olympic last Sunday were insane. The fact that a 41-minute 10K could still get him across the line in less than two hours on a course that had a little extra distance in both of the first two phases clearly illustrates this. And yes, he won by a substantial margin over the runner-up, who was elite master BRANDON LEE, the guy who won the Clearwater Sprint Triathlon the day before. Marcus' time was 1:59:46. Brandon's was 2:08:45, featuring solid splits throughout.

Third place went to lapsed triathlete ANDY WIBERG, now 45, whose last race prior to this season was Maple Grove Olympic in 2021. Andy competed in Ironman 70.3 Des Moines on June 9, where he finished 4th in his AG (4:36:55).

Winning the women's Olympic race was KRISTINA GEIGER. (2:26:51). We don't know much about her, but we think she might own a weirdly cool fish hat (photo). FYI, the MTN Guys love to see new people win races or rock high placings in our state's multisport races.

Just as the forecasted battle for 1st and 2nd was between Duval and Lee in the Olympic men's race, places #1 and #2 were expected to go to SEAN PICKLE and BRETT LOVAAS in the accompanying Sprint. Pickle is a 19-year-old up-and-comer looking for his 2nd career win and yet another Junior of the Year nomination at season's end. Lovaas, 49, is a grizzled veteran with more than 35 triathlon wins to his credit. On Sunday, youth prevailed, thanks to Sean's superior run split.

Pickle's Winners Cicle was shared with LINDSEY DESUTTER. Like Kristina Geiger, we don't know much about her except that, according to Facebook photos,  she had a very pretty wedding dress and she likes minuature horses.

One hundred and. thirty-one athletes finished this year's Manitou Triathlons. The weather was gorgeous.  RESULTS
