Race Coverage

A Successful Debut...



1st ALEXANDRIA TRIATHLON - Using a HS yearbook metaphor, BRIAN STORHAUG (photo) and COREY NYGAARD came into the race as the men's "Most Likely To Succeed." On the women's side, the same could be said for JOELLEN KOHLMAN-PETRICK.

Those athletes lived up to their designations, though Kohlman-Petrick had to contend with a very pesky local woman named KADIE HOKANSON, a lapsed triathlete who has successful results, albeit prior to 2011.  

Joellen led, though not by a huge margin, until the run, when Hokanson steadily closed the gap. Kadie got within 16-seconds when she ran out  of race course.

2020 Minnesota Grand Master of the Year LISA HINES, 58, filled out the women's Top 3....

Unsurprisingly, Storhaug had a nice lead after the swim, which was helped by brisk transitioning. Nygaard, however, crushed the bike, putting himself in front, though not by much, coming into and out of T2. A win for Corey would be his second of the season. A win for Brian would be his first of the year. 

Storhaug managed to outsplit Nygaard by 1:17 over the 2.62 mile run course, giving him that first victory of the season. His time was 57:01; Corey's was 57:56. Almost three minutes later, 3rd place was determined. Claiming the bronze was KURT YOUNGDAHL (1:00:30).

The day was warm and windy and, of course, the air quality wasn't great. One hundred and fifty-five athletes finished the swim-bike-run, and another 75 completed the paddle triathlon. MTN congratulates the organizers of the Alexandria Triathlon for a successful and well-attended inaugural event. RESULTS

