Race Coverage

"The Solution For Not Going Crazy"...


By Andy Zabel


I don’t need to remind anyone how cold, dark and snowy February can be. I can’t fathom riding a bike in weather that freezes my nostrils and numbs my hands & feet to the point I’d rather cut them off. I can only spend so much time in my home gym, cycling on the trainer and binge watching Netflix shows....


So what’s the solution for not going crazy when there’s more darkness than daylight? Give yourself something to look forward! I typically do an indoor triathlon every January or February to keep myself motivated and to get some much needed speedwork in.

Who should do an indoor tri? Probably everyone. The best part is that you get a wide variety of participants. There is always a few racers, like myself, who just want to get some of that “race feeling” back into their system. You’ll also find an equal amount of casual gym/workout enthusiasts as well as some brand new to the sport. Overall, it’s typically a small group with little to no pressure to win. (Most indoor tri’s I’ve done have 10-50 entrants) Volunteers are typically plentiful and ready to cheer you on with an emphasis of equal parts having fun and pushing yourself to go a little faster.

Recently my 13 year old son Hudson and I competed in the St. Cloud Y Indoor Tri. We had the entire YMCA to ourselves as it started 8am before it officially opened. It consisted of a 10 minute swim, (a very reasonable 10 minute T1!) 30 minute spin, (5 minute T2) and 20 minute treadmill run. We were treated to breakfast and awards post race all in 70 degree weather! If your looking for a no pressure way to get into Tri’s do one! It’s quite possibly the easiest entry into the sport and there’s no chance of getting trampled on in the swim.

A perfect February morning if you ask me.


