Race Coverage

"Mom, We Did It......"



By Ted Treise (venturetri.com)


Wow! This race is one I’ll remember forever. At Ironman 70.3 Augusta, I took the overall male win. After many years of training, sunny days, nights on the trainer, setbacks, and everything in between, we have done it. With this race win, in 2019 I’ll be able to qualify for my professional license in the sport of triathlon.
I’ve started on this journey 6 years ago and it’s hard to believe this moment has arrived but I could not be more thankful for everyone that has gotten me here today. I’ve learned things from so many people that we’d be here for a few days if I thank them all; whether that was the proper pedal stroke, hydration osmolality, journaling, enjoying the journey, proper nutrition, being present, swimming, not training until you fall apart, and many other things. It has all helped me greatly and I hope someone can learn from my trials and tribulations as I move forward on this adventure. Below you’ll find a long post regarding the play by play of the race. If you have any questions or recommendations, please reach out! I’d be pumped to hear from anyone who reads this...


My plan during the swim was to draft of Dani, then pass her right at the end crowing me the swim leg champion. We usually do a swim bet and this time her losing meant she would have to wear a Vikings jersey come next Sunday (me losing equaled a paid for breakfast the following day). After the starter was sending people off in 2 second increments, I knew time was critical. The race official said go right as I toed to the line and the race was on. After sprinting towards the edge of the dock and leaping into the water, the plan started off great. I quickly found Dani’s feet and hung on for about 500 yards. After that we approached some slower swimmers, I missed a gap between two of them, and watched my plan swim away. After getting through the pack, plan b was to 1.) find a cheap place for breakfast and 2.) swim with a high tempo, hold a streamline body position, and enjoy the water’s coolness before heading out on the bike for a hot day (90’s & 70% humidity). I got through the swim leg and cruised into transition.  READ MORE
