Race Coverage

"Just Try It"...


By Marc Sontowski


Bertram Blast Race Report - What can I say……This race was a BLAST, pun intended.

This was my second year doing it and it will surely be something I plan to repeat every year as long as it’s around....



I think Tommy Too Tall (Tom Segar) and I talked so highly of this race after doing it last year that we were able to rope the one and only Mike Ladendorf into racing with us.

I won’t bore you with watts, speeds, transition times and so forth, but last year I ended up ass-over-tea-kettle when my bars got lodged between two trees, this year I managed to stay upright and not slip on my ass while doing the run. That is big moral win for this guy.

To any triathlete or duathlete I encourage you to give this race a whirl next year. Even if mountain biking is not your thing, I can assure you a good time.

The overall feel of this race is super relaxed. I’m not saying people aren’t going for PR’s and trying to win, but just try it and you will see what I mean.
Six reasons to do this race- ( don’t worry, there are many more)

6. Great venue
5. No cars to worry about while on the bike
4. Lake isn’t disgusting
3. You get to play in the woods.
2. Jerry on the horn
1.  Von Hanson’s post-race food!
Again, just like last year, the volunteers were great! Thank you to all involved with putting this on. RESULTS
