Race Coverage

Train Harder. Get Leaner. Be Wiser...


JA Race Report: "Off-Season" and Ironman Texas"


By Joe Adriaens (triadriaens.com)


Warning, this is a long report.

First off, I want to thank all my family and friends who continue to support me in this nutty sport. Without all of you, none of this is possible!

I also want to thank Team Every Man Jack and all of our sponsors (Every Man Jack, Felt Bicycles, Louis Garneau, Lululemon, Boco Gear, GU Energy Labs, Roka, Normatec Recovery, Enve Composites, Garmin, and Sockguy), Gear West Bike & Triathlon, Rich and Ambrose at NOW Bikes, Podium Sports, and Premier Sport and Spine. You all keep me rolling with the best equipment and recovery care! Thank you all so much!


"Off - Season"

The off season post Ironman Florida was short lived and lasted all of 2 weeks. After the events that transpired at Ironman Florida, I was hungry for some redemption at this distance.  I won't go into details as you can scroll back and read through what happened in Florida.  Needless to say, the strategy for 2018 was to train harder, get leaner, and be wiser....


After I processed what happened in Florida and took a couple weeks off from training to enjoy some unplugged time with family and friends, it was time to start thinking about 2018. Coach and I discussed some key races for 2018 and both agreed we should target an earlier season Ironman. I chose this for two reasons 1) Emma and I love to travel and what better excuse to travel than to race?! 2) I had pretty solid fitness coming off Florida and was anxious to build on that foundation.

After some discussion, Emma and I settled on Ironman Texas at the end of April. That would give me some time to get some additional fitness built up and set me up for a new PR, which was the main goal. The secondary goal for Texas was to obviously qualify for Kona. With how deep the field is there, I knew a sub 9 hour race would be needed. Targeting an earlier season Ironman would also give me some time to race another Ironman before October if needed. Time to get to work!

Shortly after the decision to do Texas, my off season ended and the next few months were a whirlwind of activity.

First off, I applied to and was subsequently chosen to be a part of Team Every Man Jack. I am still in shock that they chose to put me on the roster and am extremely grateful to be a part of such an awesome team with humble and wildly successful guys both on and off the race course.  READ MORE
