Race Coverage

Chasing PRs & Petting Puppies...



By Erin Ladendorf (bikesandcatsrightmeow.blogspot.com)


Well. Here we are again. Post race and I have all sorts of thoughts and feelings that I should probably get out of my system.

This last weekend was the Toughman 70.3 Tri in Chisago, and what a day it was! This race was actually my very first 70.3 distance race last year, and I was incredibly excited to make a triumphant return to this course in 2017.

I was especially excited since I came into this race last year under some not so stellar conditions. I had a brutal DNF at Liberty, and then rolled right into a cancelled swim and shortened course at Ironman Racine just one week prior. Those were my first two attempts at a 70.3 distance, and by the time I got Chisago I was exhausted both mentally and physically.

But 2017 is the year of Erin, and you better believe I had been doing every thing in my power to make sure that I was ready to give this course hell. While Ironman Madison is my ultimate A race for the year, I had my sights set on a PR for Chisago. I have even recently gone so far as to cut processed sugar out of my diet as...

a step into the more "healthy" and "no more dinosaur chicken nuggets" type of lifestyle. However, let the record state I still miss strawberry frozen yogurt and SMore's pop tarts and all things delicious. But luckily enough for me, I have included Uncrustables into my long course bike training. So, long story short, I found a very delicious and very sugary loophole in my diet. Queue menacing laugh.... READ MORE
