Race Coverage

Humble and Brave....



BUFFALO COVERAGE - ELAINE NELSON  is a good person, one who is defined by such virtues as humility and fair-mindedness.

After Elaine crossed the finish line at Buffalo Olympic last Sunday, she immediately let us know that her victory may have been aided by the misfortune of the two athletes who were ahead of her. In third place coming out of T2, it appeared that CHRISTINA ROBERTS and MAGGIE WEISS were destined to claim the Top Two spots. Nelson did not know until late in the run that those two women would succumb to their own aggressiveness.

During the event, the air was very hot, and the sun and wind were relentless. It was a wonderful day to watch a race, especially at a venue as gorgeous as Buffalo's, but racing in those conditions was a different matter. A somewhat conservative racing strategy was called for,....


seany_buff.pngbut Roberts and Weiss, both of whom impressed the heck out of us, tried to muscle through the hot, thick, fast-moving air, and they ultimately paid for those tactics.

With two miles to go, Weiss collapsed. She would not finish. Fortunately, there were no serious consquences, and she has recovered fully.

Roberts went down, too, but was able to get back up, but not before Nelson sped by. Though wobbly, Christina bravely pushed on to claim 2nd place, after which she laid down in the shade where she remained for a very long time.

She was joined on the ground a few moments later by pooped bronze medalist SUZIE FOX (top photo).

Once again, SHEENA DAUER shyly eschewed her opportunity to race in the Elite Wave, but proved that she deserved to race side-by-side with her national-class peers. She made her way through the AG ranks to finish 4th.

FYI, Nelson's win was the 14th of her young career.

Pro DANIEL BRETSCHER stalked and eventually overtook 2016 champion MATTHEW PAYNE, now 40, to claim the men's Olympic title. Matt's amateur win is the 49th of his career. Not bad for a guy who won his first race (Graniteman-Rockville) in 2008. Payne's time of 1:57:54 lowered the event's masters record by a tubby 6:31.

As for Bretscher, a former US AOY and winner of Ironman Wisconsin, the win was his 3rd in five starts since relocating to Minnesota.

Payne was followed across  the line by three of out region's very best triathletes: WADE CRUSER, SEAN COOLEY (photo R) and JOSH BLANKENHEIM.


As usual, the race was expertly produced by Graniteman Events. The next race in the G-Man series is Clearwater on July 8.

ED. Our coverage of the Buffalo Sprint Triathlon will post tomorrow.
