Race Coverage


andrea_and_T.pngBy Andrea Tremaine (minneandreapolis.wordpress.com)

I did it. I finished my first outdoor triathlon season, and it flew by like the blink of an eye. It’s sad to be done, but I’m looking forward to mixing up my training a bit over the fall and winter months. Sure, I’ll miss racing triathlon, but I’ll just have to choose different forms of racing to satisfy the competitive spirit in me.

I learned a lot about myself throughout the course of the summer, and if I were to go deeper into what triathlon means to me and how it has transformed me, it would end up boring everyone. So I’ll take a different approach and share some of the sillier triathlon reflections, or tri-flections.


1.) Don’t expect to get a good night’s sleep the night before a triathlon. The night before the YWCA Women’s Tri, I just couldn’t...

sleep and I was all complain-y about it. I had to complain to someone, so I chose Kym. Kym started out as my private swim lesson coach, then turned into my triathlon coach/life coach/friend. She responded, “It’s ok to not sleep. Simply allow yourself to find a little peace.” One of her suggestions was to use lavender as a sleep aid. Brilliant. I grabbed the nearest clean sock and I filled it with rice and lavender, tied it in a knot, and then microwaved it for 30 seconds. I went back up to bed, put the sock directly under my nose and on top of my mouth, and fell asleep within 30 minutes. Boom. FYI, clean sheets also work like magic. READ MORE
